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Linear API in JavaScript (ES5) Progressbar API control

Progress Bar of type Linear



Creates a round-corner segment element for the progress bar.

Parameter Type Description
id string The id of the segment element.
stroke string The stroke color of the segment.
thickness number The thickness of the segment.
isTrack boolean Indicates whether the segment is a track.
progressWidth number The width of the progress.
progress ProgressBar The progress bar control.
opacity (optional) number The opacity of the segment.

Returns Element


Render the Linear Label.

Parameter Type Description
isProgressRefresh boolean Indicates whether the progress should be refreshed. Defaults to false.

Returns void


Renders linear progress, optionally refreshing progress and specifying previous width.

Parameter Type Description
refresh (optional) boolean Indicates whether to refresh the progress.
previousWidth number The previous width of the progress. Defaults to 0.

Returns void


To render the linear track.

Returns void