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ConditionalSettings API in JavaScript (ES5) Pivot Table API control

Allow options for setting the visibility of hyperlink based on specific condition. The options available here are as follows:

  • measure: Allows you to specify the value field caption to get visibility of hyperlink option for specific measure.
  • condition: Allows you to choose the operator type such as equals, greater than, less than, etc.
  • value1: Allows you to set the start value.
  • value2: Allows you to set the end value. This option will be used by default when the operator Between and NotBetween is chosen to apply.




Allows you to choose the operator type such as equals, greater than, less than, etc. The available operators are as follows:

  • LessThan: Allows you to get the cells that have a value that is less than the start value.
  • GreaterThan: Allows you to get the cells that have a value that is greater than the start value.
  • LessThanOrEqualTo: Allows you to get the cells that have a value that is lesser than or equal to the start value.
  • GreaterThanOrEqualTo: Allows you to get the cells that have a value that is greater than or equal to the start value.
  • Equals: Allows you to get the cells that have a value that matches with the start value.
  • NotEquals: Allows you to get the cells that have a value that does not match with the start value.
  • Between: Allows you to get the cells that have a value that between the start and end value.
  • NotBetween: Allows you to get the cells that have a value that is not between the start and end value.

Defaults to NotEquals



Allows you to specify the row or column header to get visibility of hyperlink option for specific row or column header.



Allows you to specify the value field caption to get visibility of hyperlink option for specific measure.



Allows you to set the start value to get visibility of hyperlink option based on the condition applied. For example, if the start value is 500 and the condition Equals is used, the hyperlink should be enabled to the cells that hold the value of 500 alone.



Allows you to set the end value to get visibility of hyperlink option based on the condition applied. For example, if the start value is 500, the end value is 1500 and the condition Between is used, the hyperlink should be enabled to the cells that holds the value between 500 to 1500.

This option will be used by default when the operator Between and NotBetween is chosen to apply.