Interface for a class Predicate
Defines the condition to add the new predicates on existing predicate with “and”/“or” operator.
Defines the field name of the filter column.
If ignoreAccent is set to true, then filter ignores the diacritic characters or accents while filtering.
If match case set to true, then filter records with exact match or else filter records with case insensitive(uppercase and lowercase letters treated as same).
Defines the operator to filter records. The available operators and its supported data types are:
Operator |
Description |
Supported Types |
startswith |
Checks whether the value begins with the specified value. |
String |
endswith |
Checks whether the value ends with the specified value. |
String |
contains |
Checks whether the value contains the specified value. |
String |
equal |
Checks whether the value is equal to the specified value. |
String | Number | Boolean | Date |
notequal |
Checks for values that are not equal to the specified value. |
String | Number | Boolean | Date |
greaterthan |
Checks whether the value is greater than the specified value. |
Number | Date |
greaterthanorequal |
Checks whether the value is greater than or equal to the specified value. |
Number | Date |
lessthan |
Checks whether the value is less than the specified value. |
Number | Date |
lessthanorequal |
Checks whether the value is less than or equal to the specified value. |
Number | Date |
Defines the relationship between one filter query and another by using AND or OR predicate.
Defines the UID of filter column.
| number
| Date
| boolean
| []
Defines the value used to filter records.