Interface for a class Column
If allowEditing
set to false, then it disables editing of a particular column.
By default all columns are editable.
If allowFiltering
set to false, then it disables filtering option and filter bar element of a particular column.
By default all columns are filterable.
If allowGrouping
set to false, then it disables grouping of a particular column.
By default all columns are groupable.
If allowReordering
set to false, then it disables reorder of a particular column.
By default all columns can be reorder.
If allowResizing
set to false, it disables resize option of a particular column.
If allowSearching
set to false, then it disables Searching of a particular column.
By default all columns allow Searching.
If allowSorting
set to false, then it disables sorting option of a particular column.
By default all columns are sortable.
If autoFit
set to true, then the particular column content width will be
adjusted based on its content in the initial rendering itself.
Setting this property as true is equivalent to calling autoFitColumns
method in the dataBound
Defines the cell content’s overflow mode. The available modes are
- Truncates the cell content when it overflows its area.Ellipsis
- Displays ellipsis when the cell content overflows its area.EllipsisWithTooltip
- Displays ellipsis when the cell content overflows its area
also it will display tooltip while hover on ellipsis applied cell. Column[]
| string[]
| ColumnModel[]
Used to render multiple header rows(stacked headers) on the Grid header.
provides an option to display command buttons in every cell.
The available built-in command buttons are
Cancel - Cancel the edit state. The following code example implements the custom command column.
<style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
<div id="Grid"></div>
var gridObj = new Grid({
datasource: window.gridData,
columns : [
{ field: 'CustomerID', headerText: 'Customer ID' },
{ field: 'CustomerName', headerText: 'Customer Name' },
{commands: [{buttonOption:{content: 'Details', click: onClick, cssClass: details-icon}}], headerText: 'Customer Details'}
{ : }
The CSS styles and attributes of the content cells of a particular column can be customized.
<div id="Grid"></div>
let gridObj: Grid = new Grid({
dataSource: filterData,
columns: [
{ field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID' },
field: 'EmployeeID', headerText: 'Employee ID', customAttributes: {
class: 'employeeid',
type: 'employee-id-cell'
| DataManager
| DataResult
Defines the column data source which will act as foreign data source.
| number
| Date
| boolean
| null
Defines default values for the component when adding a new record to the Grid.
If disableHtmlEncode
is set to true, it encodes the HTML of the header and content cells.
If displayAsCheckBox
is set to true, it displays the column value as a check box instead of Boolean value.
Defines the IEditCell
(../../grid/edit/#cell-edit-template) object to customize default edit cell.
| Function
Defines the cell edit template that used as editor for a particular column. It accepts either template string or HTML element ID.
Defines the type of component for editing.
If enableGroupByFormat
set to true, then it groups the particular column by formatted values.
By default no columns are group by format.
Defines the field name of column which is mapped with mapping name of DataSource.
The bounded columns can be sort, filter and group etc.,
If the field
name contains “dot”, then it is considered as complex binding.
The field
name must be a valid JavaScript identifier,
the first character must be an alphabet and should not contain spaces and special characters.
Defines the filter options to customize filtering for the particular column.
The filterBarTemplate
is used to add a custom component instead of default input component for filter bar.
It have create and read functions.
read: It is used to perform custom filter action.
<div id="Grid"></div>
let gridObj: Grid = new Grid({
dataSource: filterData,
columns: [
{ field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID' },
field: 'EmployeeID', filterBarTemplate: {
create: (args: { element: Element, column: Column }) => {
let input: HTMLInputElement = document.createElement('input'); = 'EmployeeID';
input.type = 'text';
return input;
write: (args: { element: Element, column: Column }) => {
args.element.addEventListener('input', as EventListener);
read: (args: { element: HTMLInputElement, columnIndex: number, column: Column }) => {
gridObj.filterByColumn(, 'equal', args.element.value);
allowFiltering: true
| Function
Defines the filter template/UI that used as filter for a particular column. It accepts either template string or HTML element ID.
Defines the mapping column name of the foreign data source.
If it is not defined then the columns.field
will be considered as mapping column name
Defines the display column name from the foreign data source which will be obtained from comparing local and foreign data
| NumberFormatOptions
| DateFormatOptions
It is used to change display value with the given format and does not affect the original data.
Gets the format from the user which can be standard or custom
and date
| ICellFormatter
| Function
Defines the method which is used to achieve custom formatting from an external function. This function triggers before rendering of each cell.
<div id="Grid"></div>
class ExtendedFormatter implements ICellFormatter {
public getValue(column: Column, data: Object): Object {
return '<span style="color:' + (data['Verified'] ? 'green' : 'red') + '"><i>' + data['Verified'] + '</i><span>';
let gridObj: Grid = new Grid({
dataSource: filterData,
columns: [
{ field: 'ShipName', headerText: 'Ship Name' },
{ field: 'Verified', headerText: 'Verified Status', formatter: ExtendedFormatter }]
defines which side the column need to freeze The available built-in freeze directions are
| Function
Defines the column template as string or HTML element ID which is used to add customized element in the column header.
Defines the header text of column which is used to display in column header.
If headerText
is not defined, then field name value will be assigned to header text.
Define the alignment of column header which is used to align the text of column header.
| string
Defines the method used to apply custom header cell values from external function and display this on each cell rendered.
<div id="Grid"></div>
let gridObj: Grid = new Grid({
dataSource: [{ EmployeeID: 1, EmployeeName: ['John', 'M'] }, { EmployeeID: 2, EmployeeName: ['Peter', 'A'] }],
columns: [
{ field: 'EmployeeID', headerText: 'Employee ID' },
{ field: 'EmployeeName', headerText: 'Employee First Name',
headerValueAccessor: (field: string,column: Column) => {
return "newheadername";
column visibility can change based on its Media Queries
accepts only valid Media Queries.
Gets the unique identifier value of the column. It is used to get the object.
You can use this property to freeze selected columns in grid.
If isIdentity
is set to true, then this column is considered as identity column.
If isPrimaryKey
is set to true, considers this column as the primary key constraint.
Defines the mapping column name of the foreign data source.
If it is not defined then the columns.field
will be considered as mapping column name
| number
Defines the maximum width of the column in pixel or percentage, which will restrict resizing beyond this pixel or percentage.
| number
Defines the minimum width of the column in pixels or percentage.
If showColumnMenu
set to false, then it disable the column menu of a particular column.
By default column menu will show for all columns
If showInColumnChooser
set to false, then hides the particular column in column chooser.
By default all columns are displayed in column Chooser.
| string
It defines the custom sort comparer function.
| Function
Defines the column template that renders customized element in each cell of the column. It accepts either template string or HTML element ID.
Determines the behavior of the aria-label
attribute for cells in template columns.
If enableAriaLabel is set to false, the aria-label attribute is not applied to template column cells, which affects screen reader accessibility.
Defines the alignment of the column in both header and content cells.
Defines the data type of the column.
Gets the unique identifier value of the column. It is used to get the object.
(../../grid/edit/#cell-edit-type-and-its-params) Defines rules to validate data before creating and updating.
| string
Defines the method used to apply custom cell values from external function and display this on each cell rendered.
<div id="Grid"></div>
let gridObj: Grid = new Grid({
dataSource: [{ EmployeeID: 1, EmployeeName: ['John', 'M'] }, { EmployeeID: 2, EmployeeName: ['Peter', 'A'] }],
columns: [
{ field: 'EmployeeID', headerText: 'Employee ID' },
{ field: 'EmployeeName', headerText: 'Employee First Name',
valueAccessor: (field: string, data: Object, column: Column) => {
return data['EmployeeName'][0];
If visible
is set to false, hides the particular column. By default, all columns are displayed.
| number
Defines the width of the column in pixels or percentage.