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Overview API in JavaScript (ES5) Drawing API control

Name Description
Gradient Paints the node with a smooth transition from one color to another color
LinearGradient Paints the node with linear color transitions
Margin Defines the space to be left between an object and its immediate parent
RadialGradient A focal point defines the beginning of the gradient, and a circle defines the end point of the gradient
ShapeStyle Defines the style of shape/path
Stop Defines the different colors and the region of color transitions
StrokeStyle Defines the stroke style of a path
TextStyle Defines the appearance of text
Thickness Layout Model module defines the styles and types to arrange objects in containers
Canvas Canvas module is used to define a plane(canvas) and to arrange the children based on margin
Container Container module is used to group related objects
DrawingElement DiagramElement module defines the basic unit of diagram
ImageElement ImageElement defines a basic image elements
PathElement PathElement takes care of how to align the path based on offsetX and offsetY
TextElement TextElement is used to display text/annotations
Point Defines and processes coordinates
Rect Rect defines and processes rectangular regions
Size Size defines and processes the size(width/height) of the objects
ConnectorConstraints Defines the constraints to enable/disable certain features of connector.
* None - Interaction of the connectors cannot be done.
* Select - Selects the connector.
* Delete - Delete the connector.
* Drag - Drag the connector.
* DragSourceEnd - Drag the source end of the connector.
* DragTargetEnd - Drag the target end of the connector.
* DragSegmentThump - Drag the segment thumb of the connector.
* AllowDrop - Allow to drop a node.
* Bridging - Creates bridge on intersection of two connectors.
* BridgeObstacle -
* InheritBridging - Creates bridge on intersection of two connectors.
* PointerEvents - Sets the pointer events.
* Tooltip - Displays a tooltip for the connectors.
* InheritToolTip - Displays a tooltip for the connectors.
* Interaction - Features of the connector used for interaction.
* ReadOnly - Enables ReadOnly
* Default - Default features of the connector.
RotateTransform Defines the container/canvas transform
Self - Sets the transform type as Self
Parent - Sets the transform type as Parent
SelectorConstraints Defines the visibility of the selector handles
None - Hides all the selector elements
ConnectorSourceThumb - Shows/hides the source thumb of the connector
ConnectorTargetThumb - Shows/hides the target thumb of the connector
ResizeSouthEast - Shows/hides the bottom right resize handle of the selector
ResizeSouthWest - Shows/hides the bottom left resize handle of the selector
ResizeNorthEast - Shows/hides the top right resize handle of the selector
ResizeNorthWest - Shows/hides the top left resize handle of the selector
ResizeEast - Shows/hides the middle right resize handle of the selector
ResizeWest - Shows/hides the middle left resize handle of the selector
ResizeSouth - Shows/hides the bottom center resize handle of the selector
ResizeNorth - Shows/hides the top center resize handle of the selector
Rotate - Shows/hides the rotate handle of the selector
UserHandles - Shows/hides the user handles of the selector
Resize - Shows/hides all resize handles of the selector
IElement IElement interface defines the base of the diagram objects (node/connector)
IRotateValue IRotateValue interface Rotated label values
Static Functions Root static functions of Drawing Component
AnnotationAlignment Defines how the annotations have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
Center - Aligns the annotation at the center of a connector segment
Before - Aligns the annotation before a connector segment
After - Aligns the annotation after a connector segment
AnnotationTypes Defines the type of the annotation
Shape - Sets the annotation type as Shape
Path - Sets the annotation type as Path
AssociationFlow Defines the direction the uml connectors
* Default - Indicates the direction is Default.
* Directional - Indicates the direction is single Directional.
* BiDirectional - Indicates the direction is BiDirectional.
ClassifierShape Enables/Disables shape of the uml classifier shapes
* Package - Indicates the scope is public.
* Class - Indicates the scope is protected.
* Interface - Indicates the scope is private.
* Enumeration - Indicates the scope is package.
* CollapsedPackage - Indicates the scope is public.
* Inheritance - Indicates the scope is protected.
* Association - Indicates the scope is private.
* Aggregation - Indicates the scope is package.
* Composition - Indicates the scope is public.
* Realization - Indicates the scope is protected.
* DirectedAssociation - Indicates the scope is private.
* Dependency - Indicates the scope is package.
DecoratorShapes Defines the decorator shape of the connector
None - Sets the decorator shape as None
Arrow - Sets the decorator shape as Arrow
Diamond - Sets the decorator shape as Diamond
Butt - Sets the decorator shape as Butt
Path - Sets the decorator shape as Path
OpenArrow - Sets the decorator shape as OpenArrow
Circle - Sets the decorator shape as Circle
Square - Sets the decorator shape as Square
Fletch - Sets the decorator shape as Fletch
OpenFetch - Sets the decorator shape as OpenFetch
IndentedArrow - Sets the decorator shape as Indented Arrow
OutdentedArrow - Sets the decorator shape as Outdented Arrow
DoubleArrow - Sets the decorator shape as DoubleArrow
Direction Defines the objects direction
Left - Sets the direction type as Left
Right - Sets the direction type as Right
Top - Sets the direction type as Top
Bottom - Sets the direction type as Bottom
GradientType Defines the type of the gradient
Linear - Sets the type of the gradient as Linear
Radial - Sets the type of the gradient as Radial
HorizontalAlignment Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
* Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent
* Left - Aligns the diagram element at the left of its immediate parent
* Right - Aligns the diagram element at the right of its immediate parent
* Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent
* Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent
ImageAlignment None - Alignment value will be set as none
XMinYMin - smallest X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port
XMidYMin - midpoint X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port
XMaxYMin - maximum X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port
XMinYMid - smallest X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port
XMidYMid - midpoint X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port
XMaxYMid - maximum X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port
XMinYMax - smallest X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port
XMidYMax - midpoint X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port
XMaxYMax - maximum X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port
LayoutOrientation Defines the orientation of the layout
* TopToBottom - Renders the layout from top to bottom
* BottomToTop - Renders the layout from bottom to top
* LeftToRight - Renders the layout from left to right
* RightToLeft - Renders the layout from right to left
Multiplicity Define the Multiplicity of uml connector shapes
* OneToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is OneToOne.
* OneToMany - Indicates the connector multiplicity is OneToMany.
* ManyToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is ManyToOne.
* ManyToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is ManyToOne.
RelativeMode Defines the reference with respect to which the diagram elements have to be aligned
Point - Diagram elements will be aligned with respect to a point
Object - Diagram elements will be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
Scale None - Scale value will be set as None for the image
Meet - Scale value Meet will be set for the image
Slice - Scale value Slice will be set for the image
Status Detect the status of Crud operation performed in the diagram
Stretch Defines the diagrams stretch
None - Sets the stretch type for diagram as None
Stretch - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Stretch
Meet - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Meet
Slice - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Slice
TextAlign Defines how the text has to be aligned
Left - Aligns the text at the left of the text bounds
Right - Aligns the text at the right of the text bounds
Center - Aligns the text at the center of the text bounds
Justify - Aligns the text in a justified manner
TextDecoration Defines how to decorate the text
Overline - Decorates the text with a line above the text
Underline - Decorates the text with an underline
LineThrough - Decorates the text by striking it with a line
None - Text will not have any specific decoration
TextOverflow Defines how to handle the text when it exceeds the element bounds
Wrap - Wraps the text to next line, when it exceeds its bounds
Ellipsis - It truncates the overflown text and represents the clipping with an ellipsis
Clip - It clips the overflow text
TextWrap Defines how to wrap the text when it exceeds the element bounds
WrapWithOverflow - Wraps the text so that no word is broken
Wrap - Wraps the text and breaks the word, if necessary
NoWrap - Text will no be wrapped
UnitMode Defines the unit mode
Absolute - Sets the unit mode type as Absolute
Fraction - Sets the unit mode type as Fraction
VerticalAlignment Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent
* Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent
* Top - Aligns the diagram element at the top of its immediate parent
* Bottom - Aligns the diagram element at the bottom of its immediate parent
* Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent
* Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent
WhiteSpace Defines how to handle the empty space and empty lines of a text
PreserveAll - Preserves all empty spaces and empty lines
CollapseSpace - Collapses the consequent spaces into one
CollapseAll - Collapses all consequent empty spaces and empty lines