Name | Description |
Gradient | Paints the node with a smooth transition from one color to another color |
LinearGradient | Paints the node with linear color transitions |
Margin | Defines the space to be left between an object and its immediate parent |
RadialGradient | A focal point defines the beginning of the gradient, and a circle defines the end point of the gradient |
ShapeStyle | Defines the style of shape/path |
Stop | Defines the different colors and the region of color transitions |
StrokeStyle | Defines the stroke style of a path |
TextStyle | Defines the appearance of text |
Thickness | Layout Model module defines the styles and types to arrange objects in containers |
Canvas | Canvas module is used to define a plane(canvas) and to arrange the children based on margin |
Container | Container module is used to group related objects |
DrawingElement | DiagramElement module defines the basic unit of diagram |
ImageElement | ImageElement defines a basic image elements |
PathElement | PathElement takes care of how to align the path based on offsetX and offsetY |
TextElement | TextElement is used to display text/annotations |
Point | Defines and processes coordinates |
Rect | Rect defines and processes rectangular regions |
Size | Size defines and processes the size(width/height) of the objects |
ConnectorConstraints | Defines the constraints to enable/disable certain features of connector. * None - Interaction of the connectors cannot be done. * Select - Selects the connector. * Delete - Delete the connector. * Drag - Drag the connector. * DragSourceEnd - Drag the source end of the connector. * DragTargetEnd - Drag the target end of the connector. * DragSegmentThump - Drag the segment thumb of the connector. * AllowDrop - Allow to drop a node. * Bridging - Creates bridge on intersection of two connectors. * BridgeObstacle - * InheritBridging - Creates bridge on intersection of two connectors. * PointerEvents - Sets the pointer events. * Tooltip - Displays a tooltip for the connectors. * InheritToolTip - Displays a tooltip for the connectors. * Interaction - Features of the connector used for interaction. * ReadOnly - Enables ReadOnly * Default - Default features of the connector. |
RotateTransform | Defines the container/canvas transform Self - Sets the transform type as Self Parent - Sets the transform type as Parent |
SelectorConstraints | Defines the visibility of the selector handles None - Hides all the selector elements ConnectorSourceThumb - Shows/hides the source thumb of the connector ConnectorTargetThumb - Shows/hides the target thumb of the connector ResizeSouthEast - Shows/hides the bottom right resize handle of the selector ResizeSouthWest - Shows/hides the bottom left resize handle of the selector ResizeNorthEast - Shows/hides the top right resize handle of the selector ResizeNorthWest - Shows/hides the top left resize handle of the selector ResizeEast - Shows/hides the middle right resize handle of the selector ResizeWest - Shows/hides the middle left resize handle of the selector ResizeSouth - Shows/hides the bottom center resize handle of the selector ResizeNorth - Shows/hides the top center resize handle of the selector Rotate - Shows/hides the rotate handle of the selector UserHandles - Shows/hides the user handles of the selector Resize - Shows/hides all resize handles of the selector |
IElement | IElement interface defines the base of the diagram objects (node/connector) |
IRotateValue | IRotateValue interface Rotated label values |
Static Functions | Root static functions of Drawing Component |
AnnotationAlignment | Defines how the annotations have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent Center - Aligns the annotation at the center of a connector segment Before - Aligns the annotation before a connector segment After - Aligns the annotation after a connector segment |
AnnotationTypes | Defines the type of the annotation Shape - Sets the annotation type as Shape Path - Sets the annotation type as Path |
AssociationFlow | Defines the direction the uml connectors * Default - Indicates the direction is Default. * Directional - Indicates the direction is single Directional. * BiDirectional - Indicates the direction is BiDirectional. |
ClassifierShape | Enables/Disables shape of the uml classifier shapes * Package - Indicates the scope is public. * Class - Indicates the scope is protected. * Interface - Indicates the scope is private. * Enumeration - Indicates the scope is package. * CollapsedPackage - Indicates the scope is public. * Inheritance - Indicates the scope is protected. * Association - Indicates the scope is private. * Aggregation - Indicates the scope is package. * Composition - Indicates the scope is public. * Realization - Indicates the scope is protected. * DirectedAssociation - Indicates the scope is private. * Dependency - Indicates the scope is package. |
DecoratorShapes | Defines the decorator shape of the connector None - Sets the decorator shape as None Arrow - Sets the decorator shape as Arrow Diamond - Sets the decorator shape as Diamond Butt - Sets the decorator shape as Butt Path - Sets the decorator shape as Path OpenArrow - Sets the decorator shape as OpenArrow Circle - Sets the decorator shape as Circle Square - Sets the decorator shape as Square Fletch - Sets the decorator shape as Fletch OpenFetch - Sets the decorator shape as OpenFetch IndentedArrow - Sets the decorator shape as Indented Arrow OutdentedArrow - Sets the decorator shape as Outdented Arrow DoubleArrow - Sets the decorator shape as DoubleArrow |
Direction | Defines the objects direction Left - Sets the direction type as Left Right - Sets the direction type as Right Top - Sets the direction type as Top Bottom - Sets the direction type as Bottom |
GradientType | Defines the type of the gradient Linear - Sets the type of the gradient as Linear Radial - Sets the type of the gradient as Radial |
HorizontalAlignment | Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent * Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent * Left - Aligns the diagram element at the left of its immediate parent * Right - Aligns the diagram element at the right of its immediate parent * Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent * Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent |
ImageAlignment | None - Alignment value will be set as none XMinYMin - smallest X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port XMidYMin - midpoint X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port XMaxYMin - maximum X value of the view port and smallest Y value of the view port XMinYMid - smallest X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port XMidYMid - midpoint X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port XMaxYMid - maximum X value of the view port and midpoint Y value of the view port XMinYMax - smallest X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port XMidYMax - midpoint X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port XMaxYMax - maximum X value of the view port and maximum Y value of the view port |
LayoutOrientation | Defines the orientation of the layout * TopToBottom - Renders the layout from top to bottom * BottomToTop - Renders the layout from bottom to top * LeftToRight - Renders the layout from left to right * RightToLeft - Renders the layout from right to left |
Multiplicity | Define the Multiplicity of uml connector shapes * OneToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is OneToOne. * OneToMany - Indicates the connector multiplicity is OneToMany. * ManyToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is ManyToOne. * ManyToOne - Indicates the connector multiplicity is ManyToOne. |
RelativeMode | Defines the reference with respect to which the diagram elements have to be aligned Point - Diagram elements will be aligned with respect to a point Object - Diagram elements will be aligned with respect to its immediate parent |
Scale | None - Scale value will be set as None for the image Meet - Scale value Meet will be set for the image Slice - Scale value Slice will be set for the image |
Status | Detect the status of Crud operation performed in the diagram |
Stretch | Defines the diagrams stretch None - Sets the stretch type for diagram as None Stretch - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Stretch Meet - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Meet Slice - Sets the stretch type for diagram as Slice |
TextAlign | Defines how the text has to be aligned Left - Aligns the text at the left of the text bounds Right - Aligns the text at the right of the text bounds Center - Aligns the text at the center of the text bounds Justify - Aligns the text in a justified manner |
TextDecoration | Defines how to decorate the text Overline - Decorates the text with a line above the text Underline - Decorates the text with an underline LineThrough - Decorates the text by striking it with a line None - Text will not have any specific decoration |
TextOverflow | Defines how to handle the text when it exceeds the element bounds Wrap - Wraps the text to next line, when it exceeds its bounds Ellipsis - It truncates the overflown text and represents the clipping with an ellipsis Clip - It clips the overflow text |
TextWrap | Defines how to wrap the text when it exceeds the element bounds WrapWithOverflow - Wraps the text so that no word is broken Wrap - Wraps the text and breaks the word, if necessary NoWrap - Text will no be wrapped |
UnitMode | Defines the unit mode Absolute - Sets the unit mode type as Absolute Fraction - Sets the unit mode type as Fraction |
VerticalAlignment | Defines how the diagram elements have to be aligned with respect to its immediate parent * Stretch - Stretches the diagram element throughout its immediate parent * Top - Aligns the diagram element at the top of its immediate parent * Bottom - Aligns the diagram element at the bottom of its immediate parent * Center - Aligns the diagram element at the center of its immediate parent * Auto - Aligns the diagram element based on the characteristics of its immediate parent |
WhiteSpace | Defines how to handle the empty space and empty lines of a text PreserveAll - Preserves all empty spaces and empty lines CollapseSpace - Collapses the consequent spaces into one CollapseAll - Collapses all consequent empty spaces and empty lines |