/ DocumentEditor / SelectionSectionFormat
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SelectionSectionFormat API in JavaScript (ES5) DocumentEditor API control

Selection section format implementation





bottomMargin number

Gets or sets the page bottom margin.

breakCode string

Gets or sets the breakCode.

columns SelectionColumnFormat[]

Gets or sets the columns.

differentFirstPage boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the section has different first page.

differentOddAndEvenPages boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the section has different odd and even page.

endnoteNumberFormat FootEndNoteNumberFormat

Gets or sets the number format of endnote.

equalWidth boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the columns on a page has even width and space.

evenPageFooter SelectionHeaderFooter

Gets the even page footer of the section.

evenPageHeader SelectionHeaderFooter

Gets the even page header of the section.

firstPageFooter SelectionHeaderFooter

Gets the first page footer of the section.

firstPageHeader SelectionHeaderFooter

Gets the first page header of the section.

footNoteNumberFormat FootEndNoteNumberFormat

Gets or sets the number format of footnote.

footerDistance number

Gets or sets the footer distance.

headerDistance number

Gets or sets the header distance.

initialEndNoteNumber number

Gets or sets the number format of footnote.

initialFootNoteNumber number

Gets or sets the number format of footnote.

leftMargin number

Gets or sets the page left margin.

lineBetweenColumns boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the vertical lines appear between all the columns.

numberOfColumns number

Gets the number of columns on a page.

oddPageFooter SelectionHeaderFooter

Gets the odd page footer of the section.

oddPageHeader SelectionHeaderFooter

Gets the odd page header of the section.

pageHeight number

Gets or sets the page height.

pageStartingNumber number

Gets or sets the starting page number.

pageWidth number

Gets or sets the page width.

restartIndexForEndnotes FootnoteRestartIndex

Gets or sets the restart index of endnote

restartIndexForFootnotes FootnoteRestartIndex

Gets or sets the restart index of footnote

restartPageNumbering boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to restart page numbering.

rightMargin number

Gets or sets the page right margin.

topMargin number

Gets or sets the page top margin.