/ DocumentEditor / SelectionParagraphFormat
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SelectionParagraphFormat API in JavaScript (ES5) DocumentEditor API control

Selection paragraph format implementation


afterSpacing number

Sets the after spacing for selected paragraphs.

beforeSpacing number

Gets or Sets the before spacing for selected paragraphs.

bidi boolean

Gets or Sets the bidirectional property for selected paragraphs

borders SelectionBorders

Gets the borders for selected paragraphs.

contextualSpacing boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to add space between the paragraphs of same style.

firstLineIndent number

Gets or Sets the first line indent for selected paragraphs.

keepLinesTogether boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether all lines in the specified paragraphs remain on the same page while paginating the document.

keepWithNext boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the specified paragraph remains on the same page as the paragraph that follows it while paginating the document.

leftIndent number

Gets or Sets the left indent for selected paragraphs.

lineSpacing number

Gets or Sets the line spacing for selected paragraphs.

lineSpacingType LineSpacingType

Gets or Sets the line spacing type for selected paragraphs.

listLevelNumber number

Sets the list level number for selected paragraphs.

listText string

Gets the list text for selected paragraphs.

outlineLevel OutlineLevel

Gets or Sets the outline level for selected paragraphs.

rightIndent number

Gets or Sets the right indent for selected paragraphs.

spaceAfterAuto boolean

Gets or Sets the space after auto for selected paragraphs.

spaceBeforeAuto boolean

Gets or Sets the space before auto for selected paragraphs.

textAlignment TextAlignment

Gets or Sets the text alignment for selected paragraphs.

widowControl boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the first and last lines of the paragraph are to remain on the same page as the rest of the paragraph when paginating the document.