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Overview API in JavaScript (ES5) Circular Gauge API control

Name Description
Animation Sets and gets the animation of pointers in circular gauge.
Annotation Sets and gets the annotation elements for an axis in circular gauge.
Axis Sets and gets the options to customize the axis for the circular gauge.
Cap Sets and gets the needle cap of pointer in circular gauge.
Label Sets and gets the options to customize the axis label in circular gauge.
Line Sets and gets the options to customize the axis line in circular gauge.
NeedleTail Sets and gets the options to customize the pointer needle in the circular gauge.
Pointer Sets and gets the options to customize the pointers of an axis in circular gauge.
Range Sets and gets the option to customize the ranges of an axis in circular gauge.
Tick Sets and gets the options to customize the major and minor tick lines of an axis in circular gauge.
ColorStop Specifies the color information for the gradient in the circular gauge.
GradientPosition Specifies the position in percentage from which the radial gradient must be applied.
LinearGradient This specifies the properties of the linear gradient colors for the circular gauge.
RadialGradient This specifies the properties of the radial gradient colors for the circular gauge.
CircularGauge Represents the circular gauge control. This is used to customize the properties of the circular gauge to visualize the data in circular scale.
AnnotationTooltip Sets and gets the options to customize the tooltip for annotation in circular gauge.
Border Sets and gets the options to customize the styles of the borders in circular gauge.
Font Sets and gets the font style for the circular gauge.
LegendSettings Sets and gets the options to customize the legend for the ranges in the circular gauge.
Location Sets and gets the location of the legend in circular gauge.
Margin Sets and gets the margin of circular gauge.
RangeTooltip Sets and gets the options to customize the tooltip properties for range tooltip.
TooltipSettings Sets and gets the options to customize the tooltip of the circular gauge.
GaugeLocation Specifies the location of the element in the circular gauge.
Size Specifies the size information of an element.
IAnimationCompleteEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for the animation complete event in circular gauge.
IAnnotationRenderEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for the annotation render event in circular gauge.
IAxisLabelRenderEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for the axis label render event in circular gauge.
ICircularGaugeEventArgs Specifies the event arguments of the circular gauge.
ILegendRenderEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for rendering a legend in circular gauge.
ILoadedEventArgs Specifies the event arguments of the loaded event in circular gauge.
IMouseEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for the mouse events in circular gauge.
IPointerDragEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for the drag start, drag move and drag end events in circular gauge.
IPrintEventArgs Specifies the event arguments of the print event.
IRadiusCalculateEventArgs Specifies the event argument for the radius calculate event in circular gauge.
IResizeEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for the resize event in circular gauge.
ITooltipRenderEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for the tooltip render event in circular gauge.
Alignment Specifies the alignment of the legend in circular gauge.
ExportType Specifies the export type of circular gauge.
GaugeShape Specifies the shape of a marker in circular gauge.
LegendPosition Specifies the position of legend for ranges in circular gauge.