Remove parent checkbox in EJ2 TypeScript Treeview control

2 Nov 20236 minutes to read

By enabling the showCheckBox property, you can render check box before each node of TreeView. However, some application needs to render check box in child nodes alone. In such case, you can remove the check box of the parent node by customizing the CSS.

import { enableRipple } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { TreeView } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';

 * Removing checkbox of parent nodes TreeView sample

    // List data source for TreeView component
   let countries: { [key: string]: Object }[] = [
    { id: 1, name: 'India', hasChild: true, expanded: true },
    { id: 2, pid: 1, name: 'Assam' },
    { id: 3, pid: 1, name: 'Bihar' },
    { id: 4, pid: 1, name: 'Tamil Nadu' },
    { id: 6, pid: 1, name: 'Punjab' },
    { id: 7, name: 'Brazil', hasChild: true },
    { id: 8, pid: 7, name: 'ParanĂ¡' },
    { id: 9, pid: 7, name: 'CearĂ¡' },
    { id: 10, pid: 7, name: 'Acre' },
    { id: 11, name: 'France', hasChild: true },
    { id: 12, pid: 11, name: 'Pays de la Loire' },
    { id: 13, pid: 11, name: 'Aquitaine' },
    { id: 14, pid: 11, name: 'Brittany' },
    { id: 15, pid: 11, name: 'Lorraine' },
    { id: 16, name: 'Australia', hasChild: true },
    { id: 17, pid: 16, name: 'New South Wales' },
    { id: 18, pid: 16, name: 'Victoria' },
    { id: 19, pid: 16, name: 'South Australia' },
    { id: 20, pid: 16, name: 'Western Australia' },
    { id: 21, name: 'China', hasChild: true },
    { id: 22, pid: 21, name: 'Guangzhou' },
    { id: 23, pid: 21, name: 'Shanghai' },
    { id: 24, pid: 21, name: 'Beijing' },
    { id: 25, pid: 21, name: 'Shantou' }

let tree1: TreeView = new TreeView({
    fields: { dataSource: countries, id: 'id', text: 'name', parentID: 'pid', hasChildren: 'hasChild' },
     showCheckBox: true,
     cssClass: 'custom'
<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <meta name="description" content="Essential JS 2 for TreeView UI Control" />
    <meta name="author" content="Syncfusion" />
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<script src="" type ="text/javascript"></script>

    <div id='loader'>Loading....</div>
    <div id='container'>
        <div id='treeparent'>
            <div id="tree"></div>

#container {
    visibility: hidden;

#loader {
  color: #008cff;
  height: 40px;
  width: 30%;
  position: absolute;
  font-family: 'Helvetica Neue','calibiri';
  font-size: 14px;
  top: 45%;
  left: 45%;

#treeparent {
    display: block;
    max-width: 350px;
    max-height: 350px;
    margin: auto;
    overflow: auto;
    border: 1px solid #dddddd;
    border-radius: 3px;

.custom .e-list-item.e-level-1 .e-text-content.e-icon-wrapper
  .e-checkbox-wrapper {
        display: none