Api treeMapModel in EJ2 TypeScript Treemap control

19 Apr 20231 minute to read

Interface for a class TreeMap


beforePrint EmitType<IPrintEventArgs>

Triggers before the prints gets started.

click EmitType<IItemClickEventArgs>

Triggers the click event.

drillEnd EmitType<IDrillEndEventArgs>

Triggers the drillDown end.

drillStart EmitType<IDrillStartEventArgs>

Triggers the drillDown start.

itemClick EmitType<IItemClickEventArgs>

Triggers the item click.

itemHighlight EmitType<IItemHighlightEventArgs>

Triggers the item highlight.

itemMove EmitType<IItemMoveEventArgs>

Triggers the item move.

itemRendering EmitType<IItemRenderingEventArgs>

Triggers before item rendering.

itemSelected EmitType<IItemSelectedEventArgs>

Triggers the item selected.

load EmitType<ILoadEventArgs>

Triggers before treemap rendered.

loaded EmitType<ILoadedEventArgs>

Triggers after treemap rendered.

mouseMove EmitType<IMouseMoveEventArgs>

Triggers the mouse move event.

resize EmitType<IResizeEventArgs>

Triggers the resize event.

tooltipRendering EmitType<ITreeMapTooltipRenderEventArgs>

Triggers the tooltip rendering.

background string

Specifies the background.

border BorderModel

Specifies the border of tree map.

dataSource DataManager | TreeMapAjax | Object[]

Specifies the dataSource.

description string

Description for maps.

enableDrillDown boolean

To enable or disable the drillDown.

enablePersistence boolean

Enable or disable persisting component’s state between page reloads.

enableRtl boolean

Enable or disable rendering component in right to left direction.

equalColorValuePath string

Specifies the colorValuePath

format string

To apply internationalization for treemap

height string

Specifies the height by given pixel or percentage.

highlightSettings HighlightSettingsModel

To specifies the highlight settings.

initialDrillDown InitialDrillSettingsModel

Specifies the initial drillDown.

layoutType string

Specifies the rendering of layout type.

leafItemSettings LeafItemSettingsModel

Specifies to access all leaf items in levels.

legendSettings LegendSettingsModel

Specifies the legend settings.

levels LevelSettingsModel[]

Specifies the item levels.

locale string

Overrides the global culture and localization value for this component. Default global culture is ‘en-US’.

margin MarginModel

Specifies the margin to move the render area.

palette string[]

Specifies the palette colors.

query Query

Specifies the query for filter the data.

rangeColorValuePath string

Specifies the colorValuePath

selectionSettings SelectionSettingsModel

To specifies the selection settings.

tabIndex number

TabIndex value for treemap.

theme string

Specifies the theme.

titleSettings TitleSettingsModel

Specifies the title for tree map.

tooltipSettings TooltipSettingsModel

Specifies the tooltip settings.

useGroupingSeparator boolean

To enable the separator

weightValuePath string

Specifies the weight value path

width string

Specifies the width by given pixel or percentage.