Api legendSettingsModel in EJ2 TypeScript Treemap control

19 Apr 20231 minute to read

Interface for a class LegendSettings


alignment string

Customize the legend alignment.

background string

Customize the legend background

border BorderModel

Options for customizing the color and width of the legend border.

fill string

Specifies the legend shape color

height string

Customize the legend height.

imageUrl string

Specifies the images url.

invertedPointer boolean

Inverted pointer for interactive legend

labelDisplayMode string

Specifies the label intersect action.

labelPosition string

To place the label position for interactive legend.

location Location

Customize the legend placed by given x and y values.

mode string

Customize the legend mode.

orientation string

Customize the legend items placed

position string

Customize the legend position of the maps.

shape string

Customize the legend shape.

shapeBorder BorderModel

Options for customizing the color and width of the shape border.

shapeHeight number

Customize the shape height.

shapePadding number

Customize the shape padding

shapeWidth number

Customize the shape width.

textStyle FontModel

Options for customize the legend text.

title CommonTitleSettingsModel

To configure the title of the legend.

titleStyle FontModel

Options for customizing text styles of the legend.

visible boolean

Toggle the legend visibility.

width string

Customize the legend width.