Helpers in EJ2 TypeScript Treegrid control

27 Apr 20232 minutes to read

Essential JS 2 components packages provide the testing helper APIs for testing the Essential JS 2 components. The following helper APIs are available for the Tree Grid component’s testing helpers in Essential JS 2.

Helper Methods Description
getTreeGridElement This function helps you to get the treegrid element of the Tree Grid.

Syntax: curObj.getTreeGridElement()
getHeaderElement This function helps you to get the header element of the Tree Grid.

Syntax: curObj.getHeaderElement()
getContentElement This function helps you to get the content element of the Tree Grid.

Syntax: curObj.getContentElement()
getFooterElement This function helps you to get the footer element of the Tree Grid when Aggregates are enabled.

Syntax: curObj.getFooterElement()
getPagerElement This function helps you to get the pager element of the Tree Grid when paging feature is enabled.

Syntax: curObj.getPagerElement()
getFilterPopUpElement This function helps you to get the Filter Dialog element of the Columns in Tree Grid.

Syntax: curObj.getFilterPopUpElement()
getDialogElement This function helps you to get the Edit Dialog element of Tree Grid when the Edit Mode is Dialog.

Syntax: curObj.getDialogElement()
getCurrentPagerElement This function helps you to get the current page indicator element of the Tree Grid.

Syntax: curObj.getCurrentPagerElement()
getPagerDropDownElement This function helps you to get the page size dropdownlist element of the TreeGrid.

Syntax: curObj.getPagerDropDownElement()
getExpandedElements This function helps you to get all the expanded icon elements in the current page of Tree Grid.

Syntax: curObj.getExpandedElements()
getCollapsedElements This function helps you to get all the collapsed icon elements in the current page of Tree Grid.

Syntax: curObj.getCollapsedElements()