Exporting filtered data in EJ2 TypeScript Treegrid control
27 Apr 20235 minutes to read
You can export the filtered data by defining the resulted data in PdfExportProperties.dataSource
before export.
In the below Pdf exporting demo, We have gotten the filtered data from the filteredResult of Tree Grid filterModule and then defines the resulted data in PdfExportProperties.dataSource
and pass it to pdfExport
import { TreeGrid, Page, Toolbar, PdfExport, Filter } from "@syncfusion/ej2-treegrid";
import { projectData } from './datasource.ts';
import { ClickEventArgs } from "@syncfusion/ej2-navigations";
TreeGrid.Inject(Page, Filter, Toolbar, PdfExport);
let treegrid: TreeGrid = new TreeGrid({
dataSource: projectData,
idMapping: "TaskID",
parentIdMapping: "parentID",
treeColumnIndex: 1,
allowPaging: true,
allowFiltering: true,
pageSettings: { pageSize: 5, pageCount: 5 },
allowExcelExport: true,
allowPdfExport: true,
toolbar: ["PdfExport"],
toolbarClick: toolbarClick,
columns: [
{ field: "TaskID", headerText: "Task ID", textAlign: "Right", width: 70,
{ field: "TaskName", headerText: "Task Name", width: 100 },
{ field: "StartDate", headerText: "Start Date", textAlign: "Right", width: 100,
format: { skeleton: "yMd", type: "date" } },
{ field: "EndDate", headerText: "End Date", textAlign: "Right", width: 100,
format: { skeleton: "yMd", type: "date" } },
{ field: "Duration", headerText: "Duration", textAlign: "Right", width: 90 },
{ field: "Priority", headerText: "Priority", width: 90 }
function toolbarClick(args: ClickEventArgs) {
if (treegrid && args.item.text === "PDF Export") {
let pdfdata;
pdfdata = treegrid.filterModule.filteredResult;
const exportProperties = {
dataSource: pdfdata
if (treegrid) {
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You can refer to our
JavaScript Tree Grid
feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our JavaScript Tree Grid exampleJavaScript Tree Grid example
to knows how to present and manipulate data.