Open mode in EJ2 TypeScript Tooltip control

8 May 202316 minutes to read

You can decide the mode on which the Tooltip is to be opened on a page, i.e., on hovering, focusing, or clicking on the target elements.

On mobile devices, Tooltips appear when you tap and hold the element, even if the opensOn option is assigned with Hover.
Tooltips are also displayed as long as you continue to tap and hold the element. On lift, it disappears in the next 1.5 seconds.
If there is another action before that time ends, then the Tooltip disappears.

The opensOn property can take either a single or a combination of multiple values, separated by space from the following options. The table below explains how the Tooltip opens on both desktop and mobile based on the value(s) assigned to the opensOn property. By default, it takes auto value.

Values Desktop Mobile
Auto Tooltip appears when you hover over the target or when the target element receives the focus. Tooltip opens on tap and hold of the target element.
Hover Tooltip appears when you hover over the target. Tooltip opens on tap and hold of the target element.
Click Tooltip appears when you click a target element. Tooltip appears when you single tap the target element.
Focus Tooltip appears when you focus (say through tab key) on a target element. Tooltip appears with a single tap on the target element.
Custom Tooltip is not triggered by any default action. So, you have to bind your own events and use either open or close public methods. Same as Desktop.

To open the Tooltip for multiple actions, say while hovering over or clicking on a target element, the opensOn property can be assigned
with multiple values, separated by space as Hover Click.

auto value cannot be used with any combination for multiple values.

The following code example shows how to set the open mode for Tooltips.

import { Tooltip } from '@syncfusion/ej2-popups';
import { Button } from '@syncfusion/ej2-buttons';
let hoverTooltip: Tooltip = new Tooltip({
    opensOn: 'Hover',
    content: 'Tooltip from hover'

let button: Button = new Button();

let clickTooltip: Tooltip = new Tooltip({
    opensOn: 'Click',
    content: 'Tooltip from click'

let focusTooltip: Tooltip = new Tooltip({
    opensOn: 'Focus',
    content: 'Tooltip from focus'

let customTooltip: Tooltip = new Tooltip({
    opensOn: 'Custom',
    content: 'Tooltip from custom mode'

document.getElementById('tooltipopen').addEventListener("click", function () {
    if (this.getAttribute("data-tooltip-id")) {
    } else {;
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    <div id='container'>
        <table style="margin: 150px auto 0 auto;transform: translateY(-50%);">
                    <td style="padding:25px">
                        <div id="tooltiphover" class="blocks">
                            <span>Hover Me !(Default)</span>
                    <td style="padding:25px">
                        <div id="tooltipclick" class="blocks">
                            <span>Click Me !</span>
                    <td style="padding:25px">
                        <div class="">
                            <span id="textbox" class="e-float-input">
                                <input id="tooltipfocus" type="text" placeholder="Focus and blur" />
                    <td style="padding:25px">
                        <div id="tooltipcustom">
                                <input id="tooltipopen" type="button" value="Click to open tooltip manually" />


Custom open mode

Other than the above specified options, the custom mode makes the Tooltip appear on screen for user-defined custom actions such as
right-click, double-click, and so on. Here, the tooltip is not triggered by any default action, and you have to bind your own events and use either open or close public methods to show or hide the Tooltips.

The following code example shows how to define custom open mode for the Tooltip.

import { Tooltip } from '@syncfusion/ej2-popups';
let tooltip: Tooltip = new Tooltip({
    opensOn: 'custom',
    content: 'Tooltip from custom mode'

document.getElementById('box').addEventListener("dblclick", function () {
    if (this.getAttribute("data-tooltip-id")) {
    } else {;
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    <div id='loader'>LOADING....</div>
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        <div id="box">
            Double-click to open Tooltip.


Sticky mode

With this mode set to true, Tooltips can be made to show up on the screen as long as the close icon is pressed. In this mode, close icon is attached to the Tooltip located at the top right corner. This mode can be enabled or disabled using the isSticky property.

import { Tooltip } from '@syncfusion/ej2-popups';
let tooltip: Tooltip = new Tooltip({
    isSticky: true,
    content: 'Click close icon to close me'
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    <div id='loader'>LOADING....</div>
    <div id='container'>
        <div id="target">
           Show tooltip


Open/Close Tooltip with delay

The Tooltips can be opened or closed after some delay by using the openDelay and closeDelay properties.

import { Tooltip } from '@syncfusion/ej2-popups';

let tooltip: Tooltip = new Tooltip({
    openDelay: 1000,
    closeDelay: 1000,
    content: 'Tooltip with delay'
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    <div id='loader'>LOADING....</div>
    <div id='container'>
        <div id="target">
           Show tooltip
