Item configuration in EJ2 TypeScript Toolbar control

11 Aug 202315 minutes to read

The Toolbar can be rendered by defining an array of items. Items can be constructed with the following built-in command types or item template.


Button is the default command type, and it can be rendered by using the text property.
Properties of the button command type:

Property Description
text The text to be displayed for button.
id The ID of the button to be rendered. If the ID is not given, auto ID is generated.
prefixIcon Defines the class used to specify an icon for the button. The icon is positioned before the text if text is available or the icon alone button is rendered.
suffixIcon Defines the class used to specify an icon for the button. The icon is positioned after the text if text is available. If both prefixIcon and suffixIcon are specified, only prefixIcon is considered.
width Used to set the width of the button.
align Specifies the location for aligning Toolbar items.


The Separator type adds a vertical separation between the Toolbar’s single/multiple commands.

import {Toolbar} from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
let toolbar: Toolbar = new Toolbar({
    items: [
        { text: "Cut" },
        { text: "Copy" },
        { type: "Separator" },
        { text: "Paste" },
        { type: "Separator" },
        { text: "Undo" },
        { text: "Redo" }
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If Separator is added as the first or the last item, it will not be visible.


The Input type is only applicable for adding template elements when the template property is defined as an object. Input type creates an input element internally that acts as the container for Syncfusion input based components.

Note: Set toolbar item type property value as Input only for Input components.


  • The NumericTextBox component can be included by importing the NumericTextBox module from ej2-inputs.

  • Initialize the NumericTextBox in template property, where the Toolbar item type is set as Input.

  • Related NumericTextBox component properties can also be configured as given below.

new NumericTextBox( { format: 'c2' }))
  • The DropDownList component can be included by importing the DropDownList module from ej2-dropdowns.

  • Initialize the DropDownList in template property, where the Toolbar item type is set as Input.

  • Related DropDownList component properties can also be configured as given below.

new DropDownList({ width:100 })


  • The CheckBox component can be included by importing the CheckBox module from ej2-buttons.

  • Initialize the CheckBox in template property, where the Toolbar item type is set as Input.

  • Related CheckBox component properties can also be configured as given below.

new CheckBox({ label: 'Default' })


  • The RadioButton component can be included by importing the RadioButton module from ej2-buttons.

  • Initialize the RadioButton in template property, where the Toolbar item type is set as Input.

  • Related RadioButton component properties can also be configured as given below.

new RadioButton({ label: 'Option 1', name: 'default'})

The above steps are applicable for all ‘Syncfusion’ input based components.

E.g.: The following code explains how to add NumericTextBox,DropDownList,RadioButton and CheckBox components to the Toolbar.

import { Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { NumericTextBox} from '@syncfusion/ej2-inputs';
import { DropDownList} from '@syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns';
import { CheckBox, RadioButton  } from '@syncfusion/ej2-buttons';

let sportsData: string[] = ['Badminton', 'Cricket', 'Football', 'Golf', 'Tennis'];
let toolbar: Toolbar = new Toolbar({
    items: [
        { text: "Cut" },
        { text: "Copy" },
        { type: "Separator" },
        { text: "Undo" },
        { text: "Redo" },
        { type: "Separator" },
        { type: 'Input', template: new NumericTextBox({ format: 'c2', value:1, width:150 }) },
        { type: "Separator" },
        { type: 'Input', template: new DropDownList({ dataSource: sportsData, width: 120, index: 2 }) },
        { type: "Separator" },
        { type: 'Input', template: new CheckBox({ label: 'Checkbox', checked: true }) },
        { type: "Separator" },
        { type: 'Input', template: new RadioButton({ label: 'Radio', name: 'default', checked: true }) }
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Enabling tab key navigation in Toolbar

The tabIndex property of a Toolbar item is used to enable tab key navigation for the item. By default, the user can switch between items using the arrow keys, but the tabIndex property allows you to switch between items using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys as well.

To use the tabIndex property, you need to set it for each Toolbar item that you want to enable tab key navigation. The tabIndex property should be set to a positive integer value. A value of 0 or a negative value will disable tab key navigation for the item.

For example, to enable tab key navigation for two Toolbar items, you can use the following code:

import {Toolbar} from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';

let toolbar: Toolbar = new Toolbar({
  items: [
    { text: "Item 1", tabIndex: 1 },
    { text: "Item 2", tabIndex: 2 }

With the above code, the user can switch between the two Toolbar items using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, in addition to using the arrow keys. The items will be navigated in the order specified by the tabIndex values.

If you set the tabIndex value to 0 for all Toolbar items, tab key navigation will be based on the element order rather than the tabIndex values. For example:

import {Toolbar} from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';

let toolbar: Toolbar = new Toolbar({
  items: [
    { text: "Item 1", tabIndex: 0 },
    { text: "Item 2", tabIndex: 0 }

In this case, the user can switch between the two Toolbar items using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, and the items will be navigated in the order in which they appear in the DOM.


Here is an example of how you can use the tabIndex property to enable tab key navigation for a Toolbar component:

import {Toolbar} from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';

let toolbar: Toolbar = new Toolbar({
    width: 300,
    overflowMode: 'Scrollable',
    items: [
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-cut-icon tb-icons', text:'Cut', tabIndex: 0 },
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-copy-icon tb-icons', text:'Copy', tabIndex: 0},
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-paste-icon tb-icons', text:'Paste',tabIndex: 0},
      { type: 'Separator'},
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-bold-icon tb-icons', text:'Bold', tabIndex: 0},
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-underline-icon tb-icons', text:'Underline', tabIndex: 0},
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-italic-icon tb-icons', text:'Italic', tabIndex: 0},
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-color-icon tb-icons', text:'Color-Picker', tabIndex: 0 },
      { type: 'Separator'},
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-ascending-icon tb-icons', text:'A-Z Sort', tabIndex: 0 },
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-descending-icon tb-icons', text:'Z-A Sort', tabIndex: 0},
      { type: 'Button', prefixIcon: 'e-clear-icon tb-icons', text:'Clear', tabIndex: 0}]
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With the above code, the user can switch between the Toolbar items using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, and the items will be navigated based on the element order.

See Also