Ribbon in EJ2 TypeScript Spreadsheet control
6 Jan 202514 minutes to read
It helps to organize a spreadsheet’s features into a series of tabs. By clicking the expand or collapse icon, you can expand or collapse the ribbon toolbar dynamically.
Ribbon Customization
You can customize the ribbon using the following methods,
Method | Action |
hideRibbonTabs |
Used to show or hide the existing ribbon tabs. |
enableRibbonTabs |
Used to enable or disable the existing ribbon tabs. |
addRibbonTabs |
Used to add custom ribbon tabs. |
hideToolbarItems |
Used to show or hide the existing ribbon toolbar items. |
enableToolbarItems |
Used to enable or disable the specified toolbar items. |
addToolbarItems |
Used to add the custom items in ribbon toolbar. |
hideFileMenuItems |
Used to show or hide the ribbon file menu items. |
enableFileMenuItems |
Used to enable or disable file menu items. |
addFileMenuItems |
Used to add custom file menu items. |
The following code example shows the usage of ribbon customization.
import { Spreadsheet, SheetModel, ColumnModel, MenuSelectEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-spreadsheet';
import { DropDownButton, ItemModel, MenuEventArgs } from "@syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons";
import { enableRipple, select, createElement } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';
let columns: ColumnModel[] = [{ width: 180 }, { width: 130 }, { width: 130 }, { width: 180 }, { width: 130 }, { width: 120 }];
let sheets: SheetModel[] = [{ ranges: [{ dataSource: data }], columns: columns }];
let spreadsheet: Spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet({
sheets: sheets,
created: (): void => {
spreadsheet.cellFormat({ fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'center' }, 'A1:F1');
// Hiding the `Insert` from ribbon.
// Set disabled state to `View` ribbon tab.
spreadsheet.enableRibbonTabs(['View'], false);
// Adding the `Help` ribbon tab at the last index.
// Specify the ribbon tab header text in last optional argument(`insertBefore`) for inserting new tab before any existing tab.
spreadsheet.addRibbonTabs([{ header: { text: 'Help' }, content: [{ text: 'Feedback', tooltipText: 'Feedback',
click: (args: ClickEventArgs): void => { /* Any click action for this toolbar item will come here. */ } }] }]);
// Hiding the unwanted toolbar items from `Home` by specifying its index.
spreadsheet.hideToolbarItems('Home', [0, 1, 2, 4, 14, 15, 21, 24]);
// Set disable state to `Underline`, 'Wrap text` toolbar items from `Home` by specifying the item id.
spreadsheet.enableToolbarItems('Home', [`${spreadsheet.element.id}_underline`, `${spreadsheet.element.id}_wrap`], false);
// Set disable state to `Protect Sheet` toolbar item from `Data` by mentioning its index.
spreadsheet.enableToolbarItems('Data', [0], false);
// Adding the new `Custom Formulas` toolbar item under `Formulas` tab for adding custom formulas.
'Formulas', [{ type: 'Separator' }, {
text: 'Custom Formulas', tooltipText: 'Custom Formulas',
// You can set click handler for each new custom toolbar item
click: (args: ClickEventArgs): void => {
// You can add custom formulas here.
// Adding new custom item `Import` after the existing `Open` item. By default, new item will add after the specified item.
spreadsheet.addFileMenuItems([{ text: 'Import', iconCss: 'e-open e-icons' }], 'Open');
// Adding new custom item `Export As` after the existing `Save As` item.
// Set `insertAfter` optional argument as `false` for adding new item before the specified item.
text: 'Export As', iconCss: 'e-save e-icons', items: [{ text: 'XLSX', iconCss: 'e-xlsx e-icons' },
{ text: 'XLS', iconCss: 'e-xls e-icons' }, { text: 'CSV', iconCss: 'e-csv e-icons' }]
'Save As', false);
// Adding the new `custom dropdown button` in the ribbon toolbar item under the `Data` tab for adding a custom dropdown button using the addToolbarItems method in the spreadsheet ribbon.
spreadsheet.addToolbarItems('Data', [{ type: 'Separator' }, { id: 'custombtn', tooltipText: 'Custom Btn', template: appendDropdownBtn('custombtn') }], 7);
fileMenuBeforeOpen: (): void => {
// Because the file menu items are created dynamically, you need to perform the hide or show and enable/disable operations
// under filemenu before open event.
// Hiding the `Save As` and `Open` item.
spreadsheet.hideFileMenuItems(['Save As', 'Open']);
// Set disable state to `New` item. You can perform any file menu items customization by specifying the item id,
// if it has more than one same item text. Set the last argument `isUniqueId` as true for using the item id.
spreadsheet.enableFileMenuItems([`${spreadsheet.element.id}_New`], false, true);
fileMenuItemSelect: (args: MenuSelectEventArgs): void => {
// Custom file menu items select handler
switch (args.item.text) {
case 'Import': select(`#${spreadsheet.element.id}_fileUpload`, spreadsheet.element).click();
case 'XLSX': spreadsheet.save({ saveType: 'Xlsx' });
case 'XLS': spreadsheet.save({ saveType: 'Xls' });
case 'CSV': spreadsheet.save({ saveType: 'Csv' });
openUrl: 'https://services.syncfusion.com/js/production/api/spreadsheet/open',
saveUrl: 'https://services.syncfusion.com/js/production/api/spreadsheet/save',
// Removed the unwanted support for this samples
showFormulaBar: false, showSheetTabs: false, allowInsert: false, allowDelete: false, allowMerge: false
function appendDropdownBtn(id: string): HTMLElement {
let ddlItems: ItemModel[] = [
text: 'Download Excel',
text: 'Download CSV',
let btnObj: DropDownButton = new DropDownButton({
items: ddlItems,
content: 'Download',
iconCss: 'e-icons e-download',
select: (args: MenuEventArgs): void => {
alert(args.item.text + ' clicked');
btnObj.appendTo(createElement('button', { id: id }));
return btnObj.element;
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