- Localization
- Internationalization
- Right to left (RTL)
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Global local in EJ2 TypeScript Spreadsheet control
6 Jan 202524 minutes to read
The Localization
library allows you to localize the default text content of the Spreadsheet. The Spreadsheet has static text on some features (cell formatting, Merge, Data validation, etc.) that can be changed to other cultures (Arabic, Deutsch, French, etc.) by defining the
value and translation object.
The following list of properties and their values are used in the Spreadsheet.
Locale keywords | Text |
Cut | Cut |
Copy | Copy |
Paste | Paste |
PasteSpecial | Paste Special |
All | All |
Values | Values |
Formats | Formats |
Font | Font |
FontSize | Font Size |
Bold | Bold |
Italic | Italic |
Underline | Underline |
Strikethrough | Strikethrough |
TextColor | Text Color |
FillColor | Fill Color |
HorizontalAlignment | Horizontal Alignment |
AlignLeft | Align Left |
AlignCenter | Center |
AlignRight | Align Right |
VerticalAlignment | Vertical Alignment |
AlignTop | Align Top |
AlignMiddle | Align Middle |
AlignBottom | Align Bottom |
InsertFunction | Insert Function |
Insert | Insert |
Delete | Delete |
Rename | Rename |
Hide | Hide |
Unhide | Unhide |
NameBox | Name Box |
ShowHeaders | Show Headers |
HideHeaders | Hide Headers |
ShowGridLines | Show Gridlines |
HideGridLines | Hide Gridlines |
AddSheet | Add Sheet |
ListAllSheets | List All Sheets |
FullScreen | Full Screen |
CollapseToolbar | Collapse Toolbar |
ExpandToolbar | Expand Toolbar |
CollapseFormulaBar | Collapse Formula Bar |
ExpandFormulaBar | Expand Formula Bar |
File | File |
Home | Home |
Formulas | Formulas |
View | View |
New | New |
Open | Open |
SaveAs | Save As |
ExcelXlsx | Microsoft Excel |
ExcelXls | Microsoft Excel 97-2003 |
CSV | Comma-separated values |
FormulaBar | Formula Bar |
Ok | Ok |
Close | Close |
Cancel | Cancel |
Apply | Apply |
MoreColors | More Colors |
StandardColors | Standard Colors |
General | General |
Number | Number |
Currency | Currency |
Accounting | Accounting |
ShortDate | Short Date |
LongDate | Long Date |
Time | Time |
Percentage | Percentage |
Fraction | Fraction |
Scientific | Scientific |
Text | Text |
NumberFormat | Number Format |
MobileFormulaBarPlaceHolder | Enter value or Formula |
PasteAlert | You can’t paste it here because the copy area and paste area aren’t in the same size. Please try pasting in a different range. |
DestroyAlert | Are you sure you want to destroy the current workbook without saving and create a new workbook? |
SheetRenameInvalidAlert | Sheet name contains invalid character. |
SheetRenameEmptyAlert | Sheet name cannot be empty. |
SheetRenameAlreadyExistsAlert | Sheet name already exists. Please enter another name. |
DeleteSheetAlert | Are you sure you want to delete this sheet? |
DeleteSingleLastSheetAlert | A Workbook must contain at least one visible worksheet. |
PickACategory | Pick a category |
Description | Description |
UnsupportedFile | Unsupported File |
InvalidUrl | Invalid Url |
SUM | Adds a series of numbers and/or cells. |
SUMIF | Adds the cells based on the specified condition. |
SUMIFS | Adds the cells based on the specified conditions. |
ABS | Returns the value of a number without its sign. |
RAND | Returns a random number between 0 and 1. |
RANDBETWEEN | Returns a random integer based on the specified values. |
FLOOR | Rounds a number down to the nearest multiple of a given factor. |
CEILING | Rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of a given factor. |
PRODUCT | Multiplies a series of numbers and/or cells. |
AVERAGE | Calculates average for the series of numbers and/or cells excluding text. |
AVERAGEIF | Calculates average for the cells based on the specified criterion. |
AVERAGEIFS | Calculates average for the cells based on the specified conditions. |
AVERAGEA | Calculates the average for the cells evaluating TRUE as 1 text and FALSE as 0. |
COUNT | Counts the cells that contain numeric values in a range. |
COUNTIF | Counts the cells based on the specified condition. |
COUNTIFS | Counts the cells based on specified conditions. |
COUNTA | Counts the cells that contain values in a range. |
MIN | Returns the smallest number of the given arguments. |
MAX | Returns the largest number of the given arguments. |
DATE | Returns the date based on the given year, month, and day. |
DAY | Returns the day from the given date. |
DAYS | Returns the number of days between two dates. |
IF | Returns value based on the given expression. |
IFS | Returns value based on the given multiple expressions. |
AND | Returns TRUE if all the arguments are TRUE otherwise returns FALSE. |
OR | Returns TRUE if any of the arguments are TRUE otherwise returns FALSE. |
IFERROR | Returns value if no error found else it will return specified value. |
CHOOSE | Returns a value from the list of values based on the index number. |
INDEX | Returns the value of the cell in a given range based on row and column number. |
FIND | Returns the position of a string within another string which is case sensitive. |
CONCATENATE | Combines two or more strings together. |
CONCAT | Concatenates a list or a range of text strings. |
SUBTOTAL | Returns subtotal for a range using the given function number. |
RADIANS | Converts degrees into radians. |
MATCH | Returns the relative position of a specified value in the given range. |
DefineNameExists | This name already exists try a different name. |
CircularReference | When a formula refers to one or more circular references this may result in an incorrect calculation. |
ShowRowsWhere | Show rows where |
CustomFilterDatePlaceHolder | Choose a date |
CustomFilterPlaceHolder | Enter the value |
CustomFilter | Custom Filter |
Between | Between |
MatchCase | Match Case |
DateTimeFilter | DateTime Filters |
Undo | Undo |
Redo | Redo |
DateFilter | Date Filters |
TextFilter | Text Filters |
NumberFilter | Number Filters |
ClearFilter | Clear Filter |
NoResult | No Matches Found |
FilterFalse | False |
FilterTrue | True |
Blanks | Blanks |
SelectAll | Select All |
GreaterThanOrEqual | Greater Than Or Equal |
GreaterThan | Greater Than |
LessThanOrEqual | Less Than Or Equal |
LessThan | Less Than |
NotEqual | Not Equal |
Equal | Equal |
Contains | Contains |
EndsWith | Ends With |
StartsWith | Starts With |
ClearButton | Clear |
FilterButton | Filter |
CancelButton | Cancel |
OKButton | OK |
Search | Search |
Link | Link |
Hyperlink | Hyperlink |
EditHyperlink | Edit Hyperlink |
OpenHyperlink | Open Hyperlink |
RemoveHyperlink | Remove Hyperlink |
InsertLink | Insert Link |
EditLink | Edit Link |
WebPage | WEB PAGE |
ThisDocument | THIS DOCUMENT |
DisplayText | Display Text |
Url | URL |
CellReference | Cell Reference |
Sheet | Sheet |
DefinedNames | Defined Names |
EnterTheTextToDisplay | Enter the text to display |
EnterTheUrl | Enter the URL |
ProtectSheet | Protect Sheet |
UnprotectSheet | Unprotect Sheet |
SelectCells | Select cells |
FormatCells | Format cells |
FormatRows | Format rows |
Format Columns | Format columns |
InsertLinks | Insert links |
ProtectContent | Protect the contents of locked cells |
ProtectAllowUser | Allow all users of this worksheet to |
EditAlert | The cell you’re trying to change is protected. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. |
FindReplaceTooltip | Find & Replace |
InsertingEmptyValue | Reference value is not valid. |
ByRow | By Row |
ByColumn | By Column |
MatchExactCellElements | Match Exact Cell Contents |
EntercellAddress | Enter Cell Address |
FindAndReplace | Find and Replace |
ReplaceAllEnd | matches replaced with. |
FindNextBtn | Find Next |
FindPreviousBtn | Find Previous |
ReplaceBtn | Replace |
ReplaceAllBtn | Replace All |
GotoHeader | Go To |
GotoSpecialHeader | Go To Special |
SearchWithin | Search within |
SearchBy | Search by |
Reference | Reference |
Workbook | Workbook |
NoElements | We couldn’t find what you were looking for. |
FindWhat | Find what |
ReplaceWith | Replace with |
EnterValue | Enter Value |
DefineNameInValid | The name that you entered is not valid. |
FindValue | Find Value |
ReplaceValue | Replace Value |
DataValidation | Data Validation |
CellRange | Cell Range |
Allow | Allow |
Data | Data |
Minimum | Minimum |
Maximum | Maximum |
IgnoreBlank | Ignore blank |
WholeNumber | Whole Number |
Decimal | Decimal |
Date | Date |
TextLength | Text Length |
List | List |
NotBetween | Not between |
EqualTo | Equal to |
NotEqualTo | Not equal to |
Greaterthan | Greater than |
Lessthan | Less than |
GreaterThanOrEqaulTo | Greater than or eqaul to |
LessThanOrEqualTo | Less than or equal to |
InCellDropDown | In-cell-dropdown |
Sources | Sources |
Value | Value |
Retry | Retry |
DialogError | The list source must be a reference to a single row or column. |
ValidationError | This value doesn’t match the data validation restrictions defined for the cell. |
HideRow | Hide Row |
HideRows | Hide Rows |
UnHideRows | UnHide Rows |
HideColumn | Hide Column |
HideColumns | Hide Columns |
UnHideColumns | UnHide Columns |
InsertRow | Insert Row |
InsertRows | Insert Rows |
InsertColumn | Insert Column |
InsertColumns | Insert Columns |
DeleteRow | Delete Row |
DeleteRows | Delete Rows |
DeleteColumn | Delete Column |
DeleteColumns | Delete Columns |
Borders | Borders |
TopBorders | Top Borders |
LeftBorders | Left Borders |
RightBorders | Right Borders |
BottomBorders | Bottom Borders |
AllBorders | All Borders |
HorizontalBorders | Horizontal Borders |
VerticalBorders | Vertical Borders |
OutsideBorders | Outside Borders |
InsideBorders | Inside Borders |
NoBorders | No Borders |
BorderColor | Border Color |
BorderStyle | Border Style |
INTERCEPT | Calculates the point of the Y-intercept line via linear regression. |
SLOPE | Returns the slope of the line from linear regression of the data points. |
FreezePanes | Freeze Panes |
FreezeRows | Freeze Rows |
FreezeColumns | Freeze Columns |
UnfreezePanes | Unfreeze Panes |
UnfreezeRows | Unfreeze Rows |
UnfreezeColumns | Unfreeze Columns |
MergeCells | Merge Cells |
MergeAll | Merge All |
MergeHorizontally | Merge Horizontally |
MergeVertically | Merge Vertically |
Unmerge | Unmerge |
UnmergeCells | Unmerge Cells |
SortAscending | Ascending |
SortDescending | Descending |
CustomSort | Custom Sort |
ClearAllFilter | Clear |
ReapplyFilter | Reapply |
Clear | Clear |
ClearContents | Clear Contents |
ClearAll | Clear All |
ClearFormats | Clear Formats |
ClearHyperlinks | Clear Hyperlinks |
Image | Image |
AddColumn | Add Column |
SortBy | Sort by |
ThenBy | Then by |
Chart | Chart |
Column | Column |
Bar | Bar |
Area | Area |
Pie | Pie |
Doughnut | Doughnut |
PieAndDoughnut | Pie/Doughnut |
Line | Line |
Radar | Radar |
Scatter | Scatter |
ChartDesign | Chart Design |
ClusteredColumn | Clustered Column |
StackedColumn | Stacked Column |
StackedColumn100 | 100% Stacked Column |
ClusteredBar | Clustered Bar |
StackedBar | Stacked Bar |
StackedBar100 | 100% Stacked Bar |
StackedArea | Stacked Area |
StackedArea100 | 100% Stacked Area |
StackedLine | Stacked Line |
StackedLine100 | 100% Stacked Line |
AddChartElement | Add Chart Element |
Axes | Axes |
AxisTitle | Axis Title |
ChartTitle | Chart Title |
DataLabels | Data Labels |
Gridlines | Gridlines |
Legends | Legends |
PrimaryHorizontal | Primary Horizontal |
PrimaryVertical | Primary Vertical |
None | None |
AboveChart | Above Chart |
Center | Center |
InsideEnd | Inside End |
InsideBase | Inside Base |
OutsideEnd | OutSide End |
PrimaryMajorHorizontal | Primary Major Horizontal |
PrimaryMajorVertical | Primary Major Vertical |
PrimaryMinorHorizontal | Primary Minor Horizontal |
PrimaryMinorVertical | Primary Minor Vertical |
Right | Right |
Left | Left |
Bottom | Bottom |
Top | Top |
SwitchRowColumn | Switch Row/Column |
ChartTheme | Chart Theme |
ChartType | Chart Type |
Material | Material |
Fabric | Fabric |
Bootstrap | Bootstrap |
HighContrastLight | HighContrastLight |
MaterialDark | MaterialDark |
FabricDark | FabricDark |
HighContrast | HighContrast |
BootstrapDark | BootstrapDark |
Bootstrap4 | Bootstrap4 |
VerticalAxisTitle | Vertical Axis Title |
HorizontalAxisTitle | Horizontal Axis Title |
EnterTitle | Enter Title |
ProtectWorkbook | Protect Workbook |
Password | Password (optional) |
unProtectPassword | Password |
EnterThePassword | Enter the password |
ConfirmPassword | Confirm Password |
EnterTheConfirmPassword | Re-enter your password |
PasswordAlert | Confirmation password is not identical |
UnProtectWorkbook | Unprotect Workbook |
UnProtectPasswordAlert | The password you supplied is not correct. |
InCorrectPassword | Unable to open the file or worksheet with the given password. |
PasswordAlertMsg | Please enter the password |
ConfirmPasswordAlertMsg | Please enter the confirm password |
IsProtected | is protected |
Loading translations
To load translation object in an application, use load
function of the L10n
The following example demonstrates the Spreadsheet in French
culture. In the below sample we have translated the ribbon tab names and Home tab content (clipboard, cell style).
import { Spreadsheet, SheetModel } from '@syncfusion/ej2-spreadsheet';
import { defaultData } from './datasource.ts';
import { L10n, enableRipple } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
'fr-CH': {
'spreadsheet': {
'File': 'Fichier',
'Home': 'Accueil',
'Insert': 'Insérer',
'Formulas': 'Formules',
'Data': 'Les données',
'View': 'Vue',
'Cut': 'Coupe',
'Copy': 'Copie',
'Paste': 'Pâte',
'PasteSpecial': 'Pâte spéciale',
'All': 'Tous les',
'Values': 'Valeurs',
'Formats': 'Les formats',
'Font': 'fonte',
'FontSize': 'Taille de police',
'Bold': 'Audacieux',
'Italic': 'Italique',
'Underline': 'Souligner',
'Strikethrough': 'Barré',
'TextColor': 'Couleur du texte',
'FillColor': 'La couleur de remplissage',
'HorizontalAlignment': 'Alignement horizontal',
'AlignLeft': 'Alignez à gauche',
'AlignCenter': 'centre',
'AlignRight': 'Aligner à droite',
'VerticalAlignment': 'Alignement vertical',
'AlignTop': 'Aligner en haut',
'AlignMiddle': 'Aligner le milieu',
'AlignBottom': 'Aligner le bas',
'InsertFunction': 'Insérer une fonction',
'Delete': 'Effacer',
'Rename': 'Rebaptiser',
'Hide': 'Cacher',
'Unhide': 'Démasquer',
'NumberFormat': 'Nombre Format',
let columns: ColumnModel[] = [{ width: 100 }, { width: 130 },{ width: 96},
{ width: 130 }, { width: 130 },{ width: 96},
{ width: 100 }, { width: 100 },{ width: 110}, { width: 100 }, { width: 130 },{ width: 150}]
let spreadsheet: Spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet({
// Specifies the locale
locale: 'fr-CH',
sheets: [{ ranges: [{ dataSource: defaultData }], columns: columns
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<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
The Internationalization library is used to globalize number, date, and time values in the spreadsheet component.
The following example demonstrates the Spreadsheet in French [fr-CH
] culture. In the below sample we have globalized the Date(Date column), Time(Time column), and Currency(Amount column) formats.
import { Spreadsheet, SheetModel } from '@syncfusion/ej2-spreadsheet';
import { defaultData } from './datasource.ts';
import { L10n, enableRipple } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { loadCldr, L10n, setCulture, setCurrencyCode } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import * as currencies from './currencies.json';
import * as cagregorian from './ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from './numbers.json';
import * as timeZoneNames from './timeZoneNames.json';
import * as numberingSystems from './numberingSystems.json';
loadCldr(currencies, cagregorian, numbers, timeZoneNames, numberingSystems);
'fr-CH': {
'spreadsheet': {
'File': 'Fichier',
'Home': 'Accueil',
'Insert': 'Insérer',
'Formulas': 'Formules',
'Data': 'Les données',
'View': 'Vue',
'Cut': 'Coupe',
'Copy': 'Copie',
'Paste': 'Pâte',
'PasteSpecial': 'Pâte spéciale',
'All': 'Tous les',
'Values': 'Valeurs',
'Formats': 'Les formats',
'Font': 'fonte',
'FontSize': 'Taille de police',
'Bold': 'Audacieux',
'Italic': 'Italique',
'Underline': 'Souligner',
'Strikethrough': 'Barré',
'TextColor': 'Couleur du texte',
'FillColor': 'La couleur de remplissage',
'HorizontalAlignment': 'Alignement horizontal',
'AlignLeft': 'Alignez à gauche',
'AlignCenter': 'centre',
'AlignRight': 'Aligner à droite',
'VerticalAlignment': 'Alignement vertical',
'AlignTop': 'Aligner en haut',
'AlignMiddle': 'Aligner le milieu',
'AlignBottom': 'Aligner le bas',
'InsertFunction': 'Insérer une fonction',
'Delete': 'Effacer',
'Rename': 'Rebaptiser',
'Hide': 'Cacher',
'Unhide': 'Démasquer',
'NumberFormat': 'Nombre Format',
let columns: ColumnModel[] = [{ width: 100 }, { width: 130 },{ width: 96},
{ width: 130 }, { width: 130 },{ width: 96},
{ width: 100 }, { width: 100 },{ width: 110}, { width: 100 }, { width: 130 },{ width: 150}]
let spreadsheet: Spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet({
// Specifies the locale
locale: 'fr-CH',
sheets: [{ ranges: [{ dataSource: defaultData }], columns: columns
created: (): void => {
//Applies cell and number formatting to specified range of the active sheet
spreadsheet.cellFormat({ fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle' }, 'A1:F1');
spreadsheet.numberFormat('$#,##0.00', 'F2:F11');
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Right to left (RTL)
RTL provides an option to switch the text direction and layout of the Spreadsheet component from right to left. It improves the user experiences and accessibility for users who use right-to-left languages (Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, etc.). To enable RTL Spreadsheet, set the enableRtl
to true.
import { Spreadsheet, SheetModel } from '@syncfusion/ej2-spreadsheet';
import { defaultData } from './datasource.ts';
import { L10n, enableRipple } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
'ar-AE': {
'spreadsheet': {
"File": "ملف",
"Home": "هم",
"Insert": "إدراج",
"Formulas": "الصيغ",
"View": "معاينة",
"Data": "البيانات",
"Cut": "قطع",
"Copy": "نسخ",
"Paste": "معجون",
"PasteSpecial": "لصق خاص",
"All": "جميع",
"Values": "القيم",
"Formats": "شكل",
"Font": "الخط",
"FontSize": "حجم الخط",
"Bold": "جريء",
"Italic": "مائل",
"Underline": "أكد",
"Strikethrough": "يتوسطه",
"TextColor": "لون الخط",
"FillColor": "لون التعبئة",
"HorizontalAlignment": "المحاذاة الأفقية",
"AlignLeft": "محاذاة إلى اليسار",
"AlignCenter": "مركز",
"AlignRight": "محاذاة إلى اليمين",
"VerticalAlignment": "محاذاة عمودية",
"AlignTop": "محاذاة أعلى",
"AlignMiddle": "محاذاة الأوسط",
"AlignBottom": "أسفل محاذاة",
"InsertFunction": "إدراج وظيفة",
"Delete": "حذف",
"Rename": "إعادة تسمية",
"Hide": "إخفاء",
"Unhide": "ظهار"
let columns: ColumnModel[] = [{ width: 100 }, { width: 130 },{ width: 96},
{ width: 130 }, { width: 130 },{ width: 96},
{ width: 100 }, { width: 100 },{ width: 110}, { width: 100 }, { width: 130 },{ width: 150}]
let spreadsheet: Spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet({
locale: 'ar-AE',
enableRtl: true,
sheets: [{ ranges: [{ dataSource: defaultData }], columns: columns
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