Smith chart tooltip in EJ2 TypeScript Smithchart control

26 Apr 20237 minutes to read

Smithchart will display details about the points through tooltip, when the mouse is moved over the point. By default, tooltip is disabled. To enable the tooltip for smithchart, you need to import and inject TooltipRender module from chart. And also set the property visible as true, in tooltip settings. You can customize the tooltip’s visibility and appearance differently each series in the smithchart.

import { Smithchart, TooltipRender } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';

let smithchart: Smithchart = new Smithchart({
    series: [
            points: [
                { resistance: 10, reactance: 25 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: 6 },
                { resistance: 6, reactance: 4.5 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: 2 },
                { resistance: 3.5, reactance: 1.6 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 1.3 },
                { resistance: 2, reactance: 1.2 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 1 },
                { resistance: 1, reactance: 0.8 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.4 },
                { resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.2 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.15 },
            name: 'Transmission1',
            tooltip: {
                visible: true
            marker: {
                visible: true
        }, {
            points: [
                { resistance: 20, reactance: -50 }, { resistance: 10, reactance: -10 },
                { resistance: 9, reactance: -4.5 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: -3.5 },
                { resistance: 7, reactance: -2.5 }, { resistance: 6, reactance: -1.5 },
                { resistance: 5, reactance: -1 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: -0.5 },
                { resistance: 3.5, reactance: 0 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 0.4 },
                { resistance: 2, reactance: 0.5 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 0.5 },
                { resistance: 1, reactance: 0.4 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.2 },
                { resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.1 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.05 },
            name: 'Transmission2',
            tooltip: {
                visible: true
            marker: {
                visible: true

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