Essential Studio for EJ2 TypeScript Release Notes

March 15, 2022


Bug Fixes

  • #SF-366157, #SF-367362 - Table in the end of the page is now rendered properly.
  • #SF-365958 - Resolved the issue in track change undo/redo.
  • #SF-366627 - Resolved the script error in the inline form fill mode.
  • #SF-367474, #SF-367493 - Resolved the line breaking issue in keep text only mode pasting.
  • #SF-366968 - Table border is now exported properly in server-side word export.
  • #SF-361925 - Resolved the script error in creating consecutive styles.
  • #SF-366592 - Resolved the number format issue in decreasing the indent.


Bug Fixes

  • #369264 - Event marker labels not visible when there is single record has been fixed
  • #362146 - Row customization using rowDataBound event in enableImmutableMode issue has been fixed
  • #363336 - Child records not updated properly in specific index issue has been fixed.
  • #368609 - Indent and outdent toolbar item not showing when checkbox selection is enabled has been fixed.
  • #363752 - Issue in assigning custom zooming levels in load event has been fixed.
  • #368549 - Gantt chart indentation issue while adding a child task has been fixed.
  • #359455 - Issue in giving height as view port for parent container has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F173348 - When the Maps control is printed, the position of the markers will now be proper.
  • #I369134 - When the initialMarkerSelection property is set, script errors are no longer thrown.


Bug Fixes

  • SF-369240 - Previous formula displayed while switching the editing from formula cell to blank cell issue resolved.
  • SF-367017 - Ctrl selection not working with freeze pane issue resolved.
  • SF-367519 - Border not applied while copy / paste from MS word issue resolved.
  • SF-367525 - Strike through not applied on external copy / paste issue resolved.