Essential Studio for EJ2 TypeScript Release Notes

March 16, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • #304737 - Remove child of null console error thrown while using canvas mode issue has been fixed.
  • #F157327 - Fixed the data labels are overlapped issue in chart.
  • #314894 - Stripline is not working in datetime for core platform issue fixed.
  • #F162046 - Dynamic indicator change using useState issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #316472 - This issue “Strange snapping behaviors with swimlane “ has been fixed.
  • #317149 - This issue “Exception occurs when drag and drop a lane on connector in swimlane “ has been fixed.
  • F23048 - This issue “When change style of group at runtime the same is applied to its child too “ has been fixed.
  • 317728 - This issue “Line routing is not working if the connection end point of the connector has two or more nodes “ has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #163116, #317496, #315005 - Implemented the line spacing Hanging similar to MS word.
  • #317691 - Resolve the Number formatting after applying bullet formats.
  • #317524 - Replace all with empty string is now working.
  • #317605 - Shape with line format value null was now preserved properly.
  • #317150 - Can press ‘p’ key in Firefox after control + a and then backspace.
  • Resolve hanging issue while opening document.
  • #315656 - Resolve script error when importing document.


Bug Fixes

  • #315782 - Virtualization with grouping issue has been fixed.
  • #19156 - Scroll is prevented with infinite scroll’s cache mode issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #306927 - The exception will no longer be thrown while exporting the existing custom stamp annotations.


Bug Fixes

  • #I313966 - An issue with scheduler toolbar popup items are hidden in iPhone has been fixed.
  • #I313459 - An issue with scheduler content width is not properly adjusted while loading large number of resources in IOS device has been fixed.
  • #I315617 - An issue with scheduler refreshDataManager method invokes before active view has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I316931 - Selection misalignment issue when applying border on wrap text has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #317066 - Resolved auto scroll issue while context menu item opens when Virtualization is enabled.