Essential Studio for EJ2 TypeScript Release Notes

October 27, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • I291462 - Resolved CSS Dimension Properties not accepts viewport and em.
  • F158279 - Resolved Draggable element jumps out of the view while scrolling.
  • I292035 - Resolved Touch functionality is not working with draggable.


Bug Fixes

  • #292116 - Y axis minimum value is wrong for column type chart when range is not set issue has been fixed.
  • #295143 - Initial minor grid line is not rendered while zooming issue has been fixed
  • #296223 - Empty point settings not working for line series in polar chart issue has been fixed.
  • #295866 - Multicolored and histogram chart console exception while providing empty datasource has been fixed.
  • #290990 - Console error when y values are not within specified range issue has been fixed.
  • #292455 - Scatter Series renders out of the chart Area issue fixed.
  • #291578 - Chart axis label tooltip is getting cropped issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #298451 - Width of the circular gauge will now set properly during responsiveness.


  • #292493 - allowMargin property is exposed to reduce the white space around the circular gauge.


Bug Fixes

  • #292627 - The issue “Panels are overlapped with each other during window resize” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • 295081 - Script error throws while set query as null in the Datamanager issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #297888 - This issue “Target decorator is not connected properly to the node” has been fixed.
  • #298962 - This issue “HTML template node take more time to render in Blazor” has been fixed.
  • #F159087 - This issue “When Drag and drop the node from palette exception throws” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #296222 - Resolved table rendering issue when table contains merged cell.
  • #297479 - Field result text with multiple lines are now inserted properly when track changes enabled.
  • #296863 - Resolved script error when field code contains table.
  • #281339 - Resolved paragraph renders outside the page in RTL format document issue.
  • Resolved script error Navigating to the specified bookmark.
  • #296222 - Resolved exporting issue when exporting document with shape.

Bug Fixes

  • F155642 - The issue with “the two-way binding is not working while enabling checkbox support in the Dropdown Tree component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #288436 - The issue with “The error dialog appears when copy and paste the folder with the same name” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #296920 - Issue on rendering Gantt with resources has been fixed.
  • F158128 - Issue on updating DB on indent and outdent action has been fixed.
  • #291962 - Dates are not filtered with given date format issue has been fixed.
  • #295998 - Events are not triggered properly while perform zoom to fit actions has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #297750 - Stacked columns with frozen columns issue has been fixed.
  • #296093 - Prevented row drag and drop icon when virtualization is enabled.
  • #293443 - Incorrect rows count while focusing table with JAWS has been fixed.
  • #298824 - Pdf export with boolean column issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with ‘dragStart’ event has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #293803 - Provided hover support for ListView Virtualization.


Bug Fixes

  • #298697 - The font style of legend and data labels will be now set properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #292479 - Issue with “beforeOpen event is triggered while rendering the component with initial value” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F157546 - Exception will no longer be thrown on applying the freetext annotation color the while saving the document.


  • #293367 - Provided the support to preserve bookmark formatting styles.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with ‘setRulesFromSql’ method is fixed.
  • Issue with changing value field width is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #294975 - Issue with Slider’s handle staying large in size when clicking out of the screen has been fixed.
  • #296636 - Issue with “Tooltip with Slider is not working properly” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#296208 - The issue with “the placeholder blinks when pressing enter key in the Rich Text Editor” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F158249 - Now scrollTo() support has been added in timeline year view.
  • #292093 - An issue with setting the resize interval for event in resizeStart not resizing the event to its minimum interval value has been fixed.
  • #299079 - An issue with Custom editor window throws script error has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #264262 - Sparkline column is not proper when rangepadding is Normal issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I298442 - File type added for file property in OpenOptions.


  • Dynamic data binding: Provides the option to change datasource dynamically by changing dataSource property of the range.


Bug Fixes

  • #F157882- After editing the row using updateRow method, getCurrentViewRecords method updated properly.
  • #297986 - Row Drag and drop within treegrid works fine with checkbox enabled.



  • #295977 - Provided an option to identify the dragged node’s dropping position which is relative to the dropped node.
  • #F158142 - Now, the TreeView template node interaction is enabled.