Essential Studio for EJ2 TypeScript Release Notes

February 25, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • I261768 - Resolved script error for invalid custom number formatting.


Bug Fixes

  • 263828 - Accumulation chart safari browser animation issue has fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #264414 - The issue “QR code is not rendered based on center bounds” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #264474 - X axis labels are not rendered in center of tick marks when angle is 270 issue has fixed.
  • #264474 - Console error when angle is provided for x axis and data is assigned on vue mounted method issue has fixed.
  • #264230 - Tooltip doesn’t appears after zooming and hovering on same point has fixed.
  • #151604 - Console error throwing when toggle the chart enableCanvas mode has fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #263850 - The issue with the invalid cursor that is displayed in panel content or header, which is not in draggable element has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • F151275 - The issue “Connector has selected wrongly when clicking the user handles of other node” has been fixed.
  • F151027 - The issue “Cannot get the TextAnnotation node margin values dropped in the swimlane” has been fixed.
  • F151264 - The issue “Need to change evt.args node/connector type as DiagramNode/DiagramConnector in Blazor Validated” has been fixed.
  • 266664 - The issue “Ruler disappears after the diagram moves beyond viewport” has been fixed


Bug Fixes

  • #263171 - Cell options dialog content is now aligned properly.
  • #150960 - Hidden separator in context menu when hyperlink is disabled.
  • #150995 - Resolved error when importing the document with editable region restrictions.
  • #260600, #150466 , #266311 - Properties pane is now enabled properly based on the context type in header footer region.
  • #260133 - Resolved navigation issue on Ctrl + click in MAC machine.



  • #263021 - Support has been provided to auto close the upload dialog after uploading all the selected files.


Bug Fixes

  • #264099 - Issue in tab key action in edited state is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #150980 - script error while using item template issue has been fixed .
  • #263885 - script error in IE11 while enabling persistence has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #262774 - Resolved the focus not maintained issue when type is set to DropDown and enabling the allowFiltering.



  • Priority Support - The features enable to render the cards based on the priority value. So, user can easily drag and drop the cards to particular place.


Bug Fixes

  • #244109 - Maps will now be aligned vertically at middle while using the zoomToCoordinates() method.
  • #263976 - Data labels will now be rendered properly in the correct positions.
  • #264153 - Data labels will now be rendered properly when zooming.


Bug Fixes

  • #263579 - Issue with “the performance issue while clear the selected items using clear button” issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F151540 - Validation not working properly in templates has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • 266063 - Changed Event not triggered while releasing the click outside of the control has fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • F151491 - Resolved the issue with RichTextEditor height that is not set properly when the toolbar is disabled.
  • F151491 - Resolved the script errors thrown when opening an insert image dialog several times.


Bug Fixes

  • #151346 - An issue with unexpected delete alert behaviour for longer duration events has been fixed.
  • #151346 - An issue with multi select events of adaptive Scheduler mode has been fixed.
  • #151209 - An issue with misplaced dragging events in different time intervals has been fixed.
  • #149561 - An issue with scheduler throwing script error while dragging the event with the option groupByDate in day view has been fixed.
  • #263624 - An issue with the scheduler rendered with the block events shows the misplaced header cells on the Timeline month view has been fixed.
  • #151455 - An issue in long spanned events in year view has been fixed.
  • #263715 - An issue with dragging not working properly when page scrolling is enabled has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #259186 The issue with the Vertical Slider tooltip content that rotate 225 degrees has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #264262 - rangePadding property is exposed to render the columns in the sparkline charts with proper axis padding.


Bug Fixes

  • F11801 - Resolved the script errors thrown when performing keyboard action in single pane.



#I258049- Provided LN formula support in Spreadsheet.


Bug Fixes

  • #151574 - The issue with adding custom classes using the cssClass property has been resolved.