Essential Studio for EJ2 TypeScript Release Notes

September 12, 2018


Breaking Changes

  • The individual npm package will no longer bundle dependent component’s style and global javascript source. The online web tool CRG can be used to combine specific set of component and its dependent component global script and styles.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, opacity is working properly for the series.


  • Animation effect has been added to the accumulation chart after legend click.
  • Support has been provided for broken slice to the grouped points.



  • Multiple date selection support has been included.


Bug Fixes

  • Chart now working properly in IE11 after legend click.


  • The Pareto series type has been added to the chart.
  • Support has been added to the segmented, dashed, and recurrence striplines.
  • Support has been added to subtitle of the chart.
  • Support has been provided to trim the axis label.
  • Animation effect has been added to the chart after legend click.
  • The date-time label format has been improved.


Breaking Changes

  • The circular gauge tooltip has been replaced with EJ2 SVG Tooltip, so now it is mandatory to include ej2-svg-base.umd.min.js in system.js configuration if you are using system.js module loader. Update the system.js configuration while using this version and above.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, the pop-up element can be append to the target element by using the AppendTo argument in open event.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, the pop-up element can be append to the target element by using the AppendTo argument in open event.


Bug Fixes

  • Data binding for Native and HTML nodes is now working properly.
  • Issue with apply gradient for BPMN shapes has been fixed.
  • Issue with drop event argument has been fixed.
  • The image node is now rendered properly in the symbol palette.


  • Annotation can be moved, rotated, and resized interactively.
  • Group node can be added into the symbol palette.
  • Poly line connector tool support has been added.
  • Text annotation can be associated with BPMN nodes interactively.


Bug Fixes

  • The z-index calculation issue while rendering the multiple dialogs with same target has been resolved.


  • Enabled draggable support for modal dialog also.
  • Provided built-in utility functions to render the alert and confirm dialogs with minimal code.



  • Added support for Page break.
  • Added insertSectionBreak method in Editor class to insert a section break at current selection.

Bug Fixes

  • Restricted multiple request when no data returned from server issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Package structure changes for ej2-base (test-main.js)
  • Horizontal Alignment issue fixed.


  • Added support to hide gridlines in worksheet.


Bug Fixes

  • Initial multi-sorting icon is added incorrectly fixed.
  • Validation for complex property is not added properly resolved.


  • Dialog edit template support added.
  • Reactive aggregate update support added.
  • Date time type column filter support added.
  • Windows explorer like check-box selection added.
  • Expand and collapse enabled in excel exported document for grouped grid.
  • Support to prevent the overriding of autofit columns by Resizing added.
  • Show All option added for page size drop-down.



  • Bubble tile type support has been included in heatmap for visualizing data points by mapping the data to bubble size and bubble color.
  • Axis label increment feature has been added to heat map. It’s is used to display the axis label with regular interval values in numeric and date time axes
  • Provided the smart legend feature for fixed type legend.
  • Provided the support for nested data binding for JSON data.


Breaking Changes

  • The linear gauge tooltip has been replaced with EJ2 SVG Tooltip, so now it is mandatory to include ej2-svg-base.umd.min.js in system.js configuration if you are using system.js module loader. Update the system.js configuration while using this version and above.



  • Provided multi-line text support in combination with Avatar and Badge.


Bug Fixes

  • Tooltip is now working properly for marker in OSM map.

Breaking Changes

  • The maps tooltip has been replaced with EJ2 SVG Tooltip, so now it is mandatory to include ej2-svg-base.umd.min.js in system.js configuration if you are using system.js module loader. Update the system.js configuration while using this version and above.

Menu is a graphical user interface that serves as navigation header for your application or site. Menu can be populated from a data source such as an array of JavaScript objects that can be either structured as hierarchical or self-referential data. The following key features are available in Menu component.

  • Rendering - Supports to render based on the items collection (array of JavaScript objects) and HTML elements.
  • Separator - Supports menu items grouping by using the Separator.
  • Icons and Navigations - Supports items to have Icons and Navigation URL’s.
  • Template and Multilevel Nesting - Supports template and multilevel nesting in Menu.
  • Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the Menu component features through the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.


Bug Fixes

  • Change event is now triggered for MultiSelect components, when focused out.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the selectAll event argument IsChecked to isChecked.
  • Renamed the selectAll event argument e to event.



  • 208354, 211758 — Value fields can be placed in row axis now.
  • Virtual scrolling options have been provided to load large amounts of data with high performance.
  • Conditional formatting support allows users to define conditions and format grid cells’ font, colour etc.
  • Label and value-based filtering options are provided that work similar to Microsoft Excel.


The progress button visualizes the progression of an operation to indicate the user that a process is happening in the background. The progress can be shown with graphics accompanied by a textual representation.

  • Types, Sizes, and Styles - Provided with different types, sizes and predefined styles of progress button.
  • Icons and Spinner - Supports icon, spinner and its positioning.
  • Animation - Provided with predefined animation and progress indicator.
  • Events - Supports event triggering at specified interval.
  • Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the ProgressButton component features through the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.



  1. Image resize support has been provided.
  2. Insert table support has provided for HTML Editor which includes below sub features,
  3. Create and modify the table, table rows and columns.
  4. Row and column resize.
  5. Quick toolbar interaction.
  6. Table header and custom styles.

Breaking Changes

  • setContent method has removed, use value property to set the content instead.


Bug Fixes

  • An issue with customization done on quick popup getting lost, while clicking on the same target twice has been fixed.


  • Timeline view - Displays the day, week, work week and month view layouts in timeline mode by illustrating both the date and time intervals in horizontal orientation. Also, it organizes the resource display in a hierarchical tree structure based on the grouping levels.
  • Header rows - Provided support to add custom header rows on timeline views, to depict an additional row for displaying the corresponding year, month, week number and dates.
  • Drag and Drop - Appointments can be easily rescheduled to some other time, by dragging and dropping it onto the required time slots.
  • Resize - Appointment’s time can be easily extended either by resizing its start or end handlers.
  • Week Number - Support added to display the week number of the current date, beside the date header section.
  • Provided template support for customizing quick popup, that opens while clicking on the cells or appointments.
  • The data type of the appointment ID field is made compatible to accept both string and number type values.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with customizing the textbox background color with minimal CSS.
  • Resolved the issue with the floating label when choose the value using autofill option in chrome browser.


  • Included TextBox component as JavaScript component with floating functionality.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, the pop-up element can be append to the target element by using the AppendTo argument in open event.



  • Provided an option to get updated data source of tree view after drag and drop, editing, deleting, and adding nodes in tree view.
  • Support to get custom data from tree view.
  • Support to maintain expanded nodes of tree view on page reloads.
  • Provided an option to get all the checked nodes if the tree node is expanded or collapsed.
  • Provided ‘none’ option in ‘expandOn’ property to prevent expand or collapse of tree node
  • Provided an option to prevent the parent node from expanding, while adding a node to the tree view control.


Bug Fixes

  • The files with the wrong extension cannot be uploaded when filtering the files by all files in the file dialog.
  • The clearAll method removes upload element’s value along with file list.
  • Resolved the issue with uploading a file while disable the showFileList API.
  • In synchronous upload, while removing a particular file from file list will clear all the files now since couldn’t manipulate each file details in input file element.
  • Resolved the issue with adding the additional form data in IE browser.


  • Provided directory (folder) upload support that uploads all files of folder including sub-folder to server.
  • Provided paste to upload support that helps to uploads any images to a server on pasting images from clipboard.