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Tool tip in EJ2 TypeScript Range navigator control
8 May 20235 minutes to read
The tooltip for sliders are supported by the Range Selector. Sliders are used in the Range Selector to select data from a specific range. The tooltip displays the selected start and end values.
Tooltip can be customized using the following properties:
- enable - Customizes the visibility of the tooltip.
- fill - Customizes the background color of the tooltip.
- opacity - Customizes the opacity of the tooltip.
- textStyle - Customizes the font size, color, family, style, weight, alignment, and overflow of the tooltip.
import { RangeNavigator, AreaSeries, DateTime, RangeTooltip } from "@syncfusion/ej2-charts";
RangeNavigator.Inject(AreaSeries, DateTime, RangeTooltip);
import { datasrc } from "./datasource.ts";
let range: RangeNavigator = new RangeNavigator({
valueType: 'DateTime',
value: [new Date('2017-09-01'), new Date('2018-02-01')],
tooltip: { enable: true, displayMode: 'Always', fill: 'red', opacity: 0.6, textStyle: { style: 'Italic', color: 'blue', size: '12px' } },
labelFormat: 'MMM-yy',
series: [{
dataSource: datasrc, xName: 'x', yName: 'y', type: 'Area', width: 2,
}, '#element');
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Label Format
The labelFormat
property in the tooltip is used to format and parse the date to all globalize formats.
import { RangeNavigator, AreaSeries, DateTime, RangeTooltip } from "@syncfusion/ej2-charts";
RangeNavigator.Inject(AreaSeries, DateTime, RangeTooltip);
import { datasrc } from "./datasource.ts";
let range: RangeNavigator = new RangeNavigator({
valueType: 'DateTime',
value: [new Date('2017-09-01'), new Date('2018-02-01')],
tooltip: { enable: true, displayMode: 'Always', labelFormat: 'y/M/d' },
series: [{
dataSource: datasrc, xName: 'x', yName: 'y', type: 'Area', width: 2,
}, '#element');
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The following table shows the results of applying some common date and time formats to the labelFormat
Label Value | Label Format Property Value | Result | Description |
new Date(2000, 03, 10) | EEEE | Monday | The Date is displayed in day format |
new Date(2000, 03, 10) | yMd | 04/10/2000 | The Date is displayed in month/date/year format |
new Date(2000, 03, 10) | MMM | Apr | The Shorthand month for the date is displayed |
new Date(2000, 03, 10) | hm | 12:00 AM | Time of the date value is displayed as label |
new Date(2000, 03, 10) | hms | 12:00:00 AM | The Label is displayed in hours:minutes:seconds format |