Columns in EJ2 TypeScript Query builder control

27 Apr 202319 minutes to read

The column definitions are used as the dataSource schema in the Query Builder. This plays a vital role in rendering column values. The query builder operations such as create or delete conditions, and create or delete groups, are performed based on the column definitions. The field property of the columns is necessary to map the data source values in the query builder columns.

If the column field is not specified in the dataSource, the column values will be empty.

Auto generation

The columns are automatically generated when the columns declaration is empty or undefined while initializing the query builder. All the columns in the dataSource are bound as the query builder columns.

import { QueryBuilder } from '@syncfusion/ej2-querybuilder';

let data: Object[] = [
    { OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: 'VINET', EmployeeID: 5, Freight: 32.3800, OrderDate: "07/09/1991" },
    { OrderID: 10249, CustomerID: 'TOMSP', EmployeeID: 6, Freight: 32.3800, OrderDate: "07/09/1991" },
    { OrderID: 10250, CustomerID: 'HANAR', EmployeeID: 4, Freight: 32.3800, OrderDate: "07/09/1991" }];

    let qryBldrObj: QueryBuilder = new QueryBuilder({
        width: '70%',
        dataSource: data,
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When columns are auto-generated, the column type will be determined from the first record of the dataSource.


By default, the column label is displayed from the column field value. To override the default label, you have to define the label value.


The operator for a column can be defined in the operators property.
The available operators and its supported data types are:

Operators Description Supported Types
startswith Checks whether the value begins with the specified value. String
endswith Checks whether the value ends with the specified value. String
contains Checks whether the value contains the specified value. String
equal Checks whether the value is equal to the specified value. String Number Date Boolean
notequal Checks whether the value is not equal to the specified value. String Number Date Boolean
greaterthan Checks whether the value is greater than the specified value. Date Number
greaterthanorequal Checks whether a value is greater than or equal to the specified value. Date Number
lessthan Checks whether the value is less than the specified value. Date Number
lessthanorequal Checks whether the value is less than or equal to the specified value. Date Number
between Checks whether the value is between the two-specific values. Date Number
notbetween Checks whether the value is not between the two-specific values. Date Number
in Checks whether the value is one of the specific values. String Number
notin Checks whether the value is not in the specific values. String Number


The Query Builder allows you to set the step values to the number fields. So that, you can easily access the numeric textbox. Use the step property, to set the step value for number values.


The Query Builder formats date and number values. Use the format property to format date and number values.

import { QueryBuilder, ColumnsModel, RuleModel } from '@syncfusion/ej2-querybuilder';

let employeeData: Object[] = [{
      'EmployeeID': 1,
      'FirstName': 'Nancy',
      'Title': 'Sales Representative',
      'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
      'HireDate': '22/07/2001',
      'City': 'Seattle',
      'Country': 'USA'
      'EmployeeID': 2,
      'FirstName': 'Andrew',
      'Title': 'Vice President',
      'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Dr.',
      'HireDate': '21/04/2003',
      'City': 'Tacoma',
      'Country': 'USA'
      'EmployeeID': 3,
      'FirstName': 'Janet',
      'Title': 'Sales Representative',
      'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
      'HireDate': '22/07/2001',
      'City': 'Kirkland',
      'Country': 'USA'

    let columnData: ColumnsModel[] = [
            field: 'EmployeeID', label: 'EmployeeID', type: 'number', operators: [{ key: 'Equal', value: 'equal' },
            { key: 'Greater than', value: 'greaterthan' }, { key: 'Less than', value: 'lessthan' }], step: 10
        { field: 'FirstName', label: 'FirstName', type: 'string' },
        { field: 'TitleOfCourtesy', label: 'Title Of Courtesy', type: 'boolean', values: ['Mr.', 'Mrs.'] },
        { field: 'Title', label: 'Title', type: 'string' },
        { field: 'HireDate', label: 'HireDate', type: 'date', format: 'dd/MM/yyyy' },
        { field: 'Country', label: 'Country', type: 'string' },
        { field: 'City', label: 'City', type: 'string' }
    let importRules: RuleModel = {
        'condition': 'and',
        'rules': [{
            'label': 'HireDate',
            'field': 'HireDate',
            'type': 'date',
            'operator': 'equal',
            'value': '07/05/1991'
            'label': 'Title',
            'field': 'Title',
            'type': 'string',
            'operator': 'equal',
            'value': 'Sales Manager'
    let qryBldrObj: QueryBuilder = new QueryBuilder({
        width: '70%',
        dataSource: employeeData,
        columns: columnData,
        rule: importRules,
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Validation allows you to validate the conditions and it display errors for invalid fields while using the validateFields method. To enable validation in the query builder , set the allowValidation to true. Column fields are validated after setting allowValidation to true. So, you should manually configure the validation for Operator and Value fields through validation.

Set isRequired validation for Operator and Value fields.
Set min, max values for number values.

import { QueryBuilder, ColumnsModel } from '@syncfusion/ej2-querybuilder';
import { Button } from '@syncfusion/ej2-buttons';

let employeeData: Object[] = [{
      'EmployeeID': 1,
      'FirstName': 'Nancy',
      'Title': 'Sales Representative',
      'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
      'HireDate': '22/07/2001',
      'City': 'Seattle',
      'Country': 'USA'
      'EmployeeID': 2,
      'FirstName': 'Andrew',
      'Title': 'Vice President',
      'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Dr.',
      'HireDate': '21/04/2003',
      'City': 'Tacoma',
      'Country': 'USA'
      'EmployeeID': 3,
      'FirstName': 'Janet',
      'Title': 'Sales Representative',
      'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
      'HireDate': '22/07/2001',
      'City': 'Kirkland',
      'Country': 'USA'

    let columnData: ColumnsModel[] = [
        { field: 'EmployeeID', label: 'EmployeeID', type: 'number', validation: { isRequired: true } },
        { field: 'FirstName', label: 'FirstName', type: 'string' },
        { field: 'TitleOfCourtesy', label: 'Title Of Courtesy', type: 'boolean', values: ['Mr.', 'Mrs.'] },
        { field: 'Title', label: 'Title', type: 'string' , validation: { isRequired: true } },
        { field: 'HireDate', label: 'HireDate', type: 'date', format: 'dd/MM/yyyy' },
        { field: 'Country', label: 'Country', type: 'string', validation: { isRequired: true } },
        { field: 'City', label: 'City', type: 'string', validation: { isRequired: true } }
    let qryBldrObj: QueryBuilder = new QueryBuilder({
        width: '70%',
        dataSource: employeeData,
        columns: columnData,
        allowValidation: true
    let button: Button = new Button({cssClass: `e-primary`, content:'Validation'}, '#qbbutton');
    document.getElementById('qbbutton').onclick = (): void => {
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             <button id='qbbutton' class='e-btn e-primary'> Validate Fields </button>