Annotation in EJ2 TypeScript Progressbar control

10 May 20235 minutes to read


In the circular progress bar, you can add any view to the center using the Content property in annotation.

For example, you can include add, start, or pause button to control the progress. You can also add an image that indicates the actual task in progress or add custom text that conveys how far the task is completed.

import { ProgressBar, ProgressAnnotation } from "@syncfusion/ej2-progressbar";

let percentageProgress: ProgressBar = new ProgressBar({
  type: "Circular",
  innerRadius: "190%",
  trackThickness: 80,
  cornerRadius: "Round",
  trackColor: "#FFD939",
  annotations: [
        '<div id="point1" style="font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;color:#ffffff;fill:#ffffff"><span>60%</span></div>'
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You can show the progress value in both linear and circular progress bar using showProgressValue property.

import { ProgressBar, ITextRenderEventArgs } from "@syncfusion/ej2-progressbar";

let percentageProgress: ProgressBar = new ProgressBar({
        type: 'Linear',
        trackThickness: 24,
        progressThickness: 24,
        value: 50,
        showProgressValue: true,
        labelStyle: {
            color: '#FFFFFF'
        animation: {
            enable: true,
            duration: 2000,
            delay: 0,
        textRender: (args: ITextRenderEventArgs) => {
            args.text = '50';
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