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Display custom tool tip for annotation in EJ2 TypeScript Pdfviewer control
6 Jul 20241 minute to read
To display a custom tooltip for annotations using the mouseover event in the Syncfusion PDF Viewer, you can use the annotationMouseover and annotationMouseLeave events .
Here is an example that demonstrates how to display a custom tooltip for annotations using the mouseover event in the Syncfusion PDF Viewer:
viewer.annotationSettings.author = "syncfusion";
let tooltip: Tooltip = new Tooltip({
mouseTrail: true,
opensOn: "Custom"
viewer.annotationMouseOver = args => {
tooltip.appendTo("#pdfViewer_pageDiv_" + (viewer.currentPageNumber - 1));
tooltip.content = args.annotation.author;
let ele: any = document.getElementsByClassName("e-tooltip-wrap")[0];
ele.style.top = args.Y + 100 + "px";
ele.style.left = args.X + "px";
viewer.annotationMouseLeave = args => {
Find the sample how to display custom tooltip for annotations using MouseOver event