Prevent nullable input in numerictextbox in EJ2 TypeScript Numerictextbox control
15 May 20233 minutes to read
By default, the value of the NumericTextBox sets to null. In some applications, the value of the NumericTextBox should not be null at any instance. In such cases, following sample can be used to prevent nullable input in NumericTextBox.
import {NumericTextBox} from '@syncfusion/ej2-inputs';
// initializes NumericTextBox component
let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({
// sets value to the NumericTextBox
placeholder: 'NumericTextbox',
floatLabelType: 'Always' ,
// prevents nullable value during initialization
created: function (args) {
if (this.value==null) {
blur: function (args) {
// checks for nullable value while focus out
if (args.value==null)
// renders initialized NumericTextBox
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<input id="numeric1" type="text" />
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