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Ej1 api migration in EJ2 TypeScript Numerictextbox control
8 May 202310 minutes to read
This article describes the API migration process of NumericTextBox component from Essential JS 1 to Essential JS 2.
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Triggers on creation |
Event: create $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 120, create: function(){} }); |
Event: created let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 120, created: function(){} }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Adding custom classes |
Property: cssClass $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, cssClass: “custom” }); |
Property: cssClass let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, cssClass: “custom” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Triggers when editor is destroyed |
Event: destroy $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 120, destroy: function(){} }); |
Event: destroyed let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 120, destroyed: function(){} }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Destroys textbox |
Method: destroy $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100 }); var numericObj = $(“#numeric”).data(“ejNumericTextBox”); numericObj.destroy(); |
Method: destroy let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, enabled: false }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); numeric.destroy(); |
Control state |
Property: enabled $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, enabled: false }); |
Property: enabled let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, enabled: false }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Persistence |
Property: enablePersistence $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, enablePersistence: true }); |
Property: enablePersistence let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, enablePersistence: true }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Right To Left |
Property: enableRTL $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, enableRTL: true }); |
Property: enableRtl let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, enableRtl: true }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Triggers when editor is focused in |
Event: focusIn $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 20, focusIn: function(){}}) |
Event: focus let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, focus: function() {} }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Triggers when editor is focused out |
Event: focusOut $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, focusOut: function(){}}) |
Event: blur let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, blur: function() {} }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Sets Height |
Property: height $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, height: “40px” }); |
Can be achieved using, let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, cssClass: “custom” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); Css .e-numerictextbox.custom{ height: 40px; } |
HTML Attributes |
Property: htmlAttributes $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, htmlAttributes: {disabled: “disabled”} }); |
Can be achieved using, <input id=”numeric” type=”text” name=”textbox” /> let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 1234”, }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”) |
Name of editor |
Property: name $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, name: “Textbox” }); |
Can be achieved using, HTML <input id=”numeric” type=”text” name=”textbox” /> let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100 , }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Read only |
Property: readOnly $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 80, readOnly: true }); |
Property: readonly let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 80, readonly: true }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Rounded corners |
Property: showRoundedCorner $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 80, showRoundedCorner: true }); |
Can be achieved using let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, cssClass: “e-style” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); CSS e-control-wrapper.e-numeric.e-input-group.e-style { border: 2.5px solid; border-radius: 1rem; padding-left: 12px; } .e-control-wrapper.e-numeric.e-float-input.e-style .e-float-line::before, .e-control-wrapper.e-numeric.e-float-input.e-style .e-float-line::after{ background: none ; } .e-control-wrapper.e-numeric.e-input-group.e-style.e-input-focus{ border: solid grey !important; } |
Spin Button |
Property: showSpinButton $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 20, showSpinButton: false }); |
Property: showSpinButton let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 20, showSpinButton: false }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Width |
Property: width $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 20, width: “220px” }); |
Property: width let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 20, width: “220px” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Clear Button | Not Applicable |
Property: showClearButton let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, showClearButton: true }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Localization culture |
Property: locale $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 80, locale: “de-DE” }); |
Property: locale let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 80, locale: “de-DE” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Group digits in editor |
Property: groupSize $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, groupSize: “2” }); |
Not Applicable |
Group Separator |
Property: groupSeparator $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, groupSeparator: “-“ }); |
Not Applicable |
Numeric configuration
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Triggers on value change |
Event: change $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 120, change: function(){}}) |
Event: change let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 120, change: function(){} }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Sets digits allowed after decimal point |
Property: decimalPlaces $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, decimalPlaces: 2 }); |
Property: decimals let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, format: “n2”, decimals: 2 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Decrement value | Not Applicable |
Method: decrement let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); numeric.decrement(); |
Disable the textbox |
Method: disable $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 200 }); var numericObj = $(“#numeric”).data(“ejNumericTextBox”); numericObj.disable(); |
Can be achieved using API: enabled let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); var numObj = document.getElementById(“numeric”).ej2_instances[0]; numObj.enabled = false; |
Enable the textbox |
Method: enable $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 200 }); var numericObj = $(“#numeric”).data(“ejNumericTextBox”); numericObj.enable(); |
Can be achieved using, API: enabled let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); var numObj = document.getElementById(“numeric”).ej2_instances[0]; numObj.enabled = true; |
Gets value of editor |
Method: getValue $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100 }); var numericObj = $(“#numeric”).data(“ejNumericTextBox”); numericObj.getValue(); |
Method: getText let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); numeric.getText(); |
Increment value | Not Applicable |
Method: increment let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 80 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); numeric.increment(); |
Step value |
Property: incrementStep $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, incrementStep: 2 }); |
Property: step let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, step: 2 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Sets Maximum value |
Property: maxValue $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, maxValue: 200 }); |
Property: max let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, max: 200 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Sets Minimum value |
Property: minValue $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, minValue: 20 }); |
Property: min let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, min: 20 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Negative pattern for formatting values |
Property: negativePattern $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: -20, negativePattern: “( n)” }); |
Not Applicable |
Positive pattern for formatting values |
Property: positivePattern $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 20, positivePattern: “n kg” }); |
Not Applicable |
Specifies value |
Property: value $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100 }); |
Property: value let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100 }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Displays hint on editor |
Property: watermarkText $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 80 watermarkText: “Enter value:” }); |
Property: placeholder let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100 placeholder: “Enter value:” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Placeholder float type | Not Applicable |
Property: floatLabelType let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 200 placeholder: “Enter value:” floatLabelType: “Auto” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Number Formats
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Set Currency symbol |
Property: currencySymbol $(“#currency”).ejCurrencyTextBox({ value: 100, currencySymbol: “EUR” }); |
Property: currency let currency: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, format: “c2”, currency: “EUR” }); currency.appendTo(“#currency”); |
Number Format | Not Applicable |
Property: format let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 200 format: “n2” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Strict Mode |
Property: enableStrictMode $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 80, enableStrictMode: true }); |
Property: strictMode let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 80, strictMode: true }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Validation on typing |
Property: validateOnType $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, validateOnType: true }); |
Property: validateDecimalOnType let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: 100, validateDecimalOnType: true }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); |
Validation Message |
Property: validationMessage $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, validationRules: {required: true} validationMessage: {required: “Required value”} }); |
Validation in NumericTextBox can be achieved through form validation let options: FormValidatorModel = { rules: { ‘numericValue’: { required: [true, “Number is required”]}, } let formObject: FormValidator = new FormValidator(‘#form-element’, options); formObject.customPlacement= (inputElement, error) => { document.getElementById(‘error’).appendChild(error); } let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({value: “1234” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); HTML <form id=”form-element” class=”form-horizontal”> <input id=”numeric” type=”text” name=”numericValue” class=”form-control” /> <div id=”error”></div> </form> |
Validation Rules |
Property: validationRules $(“#numeric”).ejNumericTextBox({ value: 100, validationRules: {required: true} }); |
Validation in NumericTextBox can be achieved through form validation let options: FormValidatorModel = { rules: { ‘numericValue’: { required: true}, } let formObject: FormValidator = new FormValidator(‘#form-element’, options); let numeric: NumericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({ value: “1234” }); numeric.appendTo(“#numeric”); HTML <form id=”form-element”> <input id=”numeric” type=”text” name=”numericValue” class=”form-control” /> </form> |