Integrate pager component with listview in EJ2 TypeScript Listview control

8 Aug 20234 minutes to read

The first and foremost step is to obtain the Pager component from Grid. Install the ej2-grid package using the following command.

npm install @syncfusion/ej2-grids --save

Import the Pager to the ListView sample which has been created.

import { Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-grids";

The totalRecordsCount property of Pager must be specified whenever using this particular component. By using pageSize property, the number of list items to be displayed is made available. The pageCount property allows the user to specify the visibility of the page numbers accordingly. Since the paging sample in the upcoming code snippet uses these three properties, the explanation provided here were minimal and to the point. For further API concerns in Pager component, click here.

With the help of the query property of ListView, the user can specify the number of records to be displayed in the current page.

The query property helps in splitting the entire datasource based on our convenience. In the sample provided below, when clicking the next button in pager, it fetches the datasource based on page size and current page of Pager component.

 click: function () {
        listObj.query= new Query().range((pager.currentPage - 1) * pager.pageSize, (pager.currentPage * pager.pageSize));

Note: When pageSize isn’t mentioned, it defaults to 12 records per page.

import { ListView } from '@syncfusion/ej2-lists';
import { Pager } from "@syncfusion/ej2-grids";
import { DataManager, Query, JsonAdaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';
let pager: Pager = new Pager({
    totalRecordsCount: data.length,
    pageSize: 10,
    click: function () {
        listObj.query= new Query().range((pager.currentPage - 1) * pager.pageSize, (pager.currentPage * pager.pageSize));
let header: string = '<table class="w-100"> <tr><td class="w-25">Order ID</td><td class="w-45">Ship Name</td><td class="w-25">ShipCity</td></tr></table>';
let template: string = '<table class="w-100"> <colgroup><col span="2"><col></colgroup><tr><td class="w-25">${OrderID}</td><td class="w-45">${ShipName}</td><td class="w-25">${ShipCity}</td></tr></table>';
//Initialize ListView component
// Initialize the ListView control
let listObj: ListView = new ListView({
 //Set the defined data to the data source property
    dataSource: new DataManager({
    json: data,
    adaptor: new JsonAdaptor
query:new Query().range(0, pager.pageSize),
//Render the initialized ListView control
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        <div id='Pager'></div>