Internationalization in EJ2 TypeScript Linear gauge control

19 Apr 20232 minutes to read

Globalization is the process of designing and developing a component that works in different cultures. Internationalization is used to globalize the number content in Linear Gauge component using format property in Linear Gauge component. It has static text on some features such as

  • Axis label
  • Tooltip

The static text on above features can be changed to any culture such as Arabic, Deutsch and French. To know more about the globalization in JavaScript components, refer here

Numeric Format

The text in axis labels and tooltip can be displayed in the numeric format such as currency, percentage and so on. To know more about the numeric formats in axis labels, refer here. In the below example, the axis label is displayed in the currency format.

import { LinearGauge } from '@syncfusion/ej2-lineargauge';
import { loadCldr, setCulture, Ajax, setCurrencyCode } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
let gauge: LinearGauge = new LinearGauge({
    locale: "de",
    axes: [{
      labelStyle: {
        font: {
          color: 'red'
}, '#element');
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