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Migration in EJ2 TypeScript Grid control
13 Apr 202319 minutes to read
The following enum property values are changed from camel casing to pascal casing.
Enum Name | Old Property Value | New Property Value |
SelectionType | single | Single |
SelectionType | multiple | Multiple |
SelectionMode | cell | Cell |
SelectionMode | row | Row |
SelectionMode | both | Both |
CellSelectionMode | flow | Flow |
CellSelectionMode | box | Box |
EditMode | normal | Normal |
EditMode | dialog | Dialog |
EditMode | batch | Batch |
TextAlign | left | Left |
TextAlign | right | Right |
TextAlign | center | Center |
TextAlign | justify | Justify |
GridLine | both | Both |
GridLine | none | None |
GridLine | horizontal | Horizontal |
GridLine | vertical | Vertical |
GridLine | default | Default |
PrintMode | allPages | AllPages |
PrintMode | currentPage | CurrentPage |
FilterType | filterbar | FilterBar |
FilterType | excel | Excel |
FilterType | menu | Menu |
FilterType | checkbox | CheckBox |
FilterBarMode | onenter | OnEnter |
FilterBarMode | immediate | Immediate |
AggregateType | sum | Sum |
AggregateType | average | Average |
AggregateType | max | Max |
AggregateType | min | Min |
AggregateType | count | Count |
AggregateType | truecount | TrueCount |
AggregateType | falsecount | FalseCount |
AggregateType | custom | Custom |
WrapMode | both | Both |
WrapMode | header | Header |
WrapMode | content | Content |
MultipleExportType | appendtosheet | AppendToSheet |
MultipleExportType | newsheet | NewSheet |
ToolbarItems | add | Add |
ToolbarItems | delete | Delete |
ToolbarItems | update | Update |
ToolbarItems | cancel | Cancel |
ToolbarItems | edit | Edit |
ToolbarItems | search | Search |
ToolbarItems | columnchooser | ColumnChooser |
ToolbarItems | ||
ToolbarItems | pdfexport | PdfExport |
ToolbarItems | excelexport | ExcelExport |
ToolbarItems | csvexport | CsvExport |
ToolbarItems | wordexport | WordExport |
ClipMode | clip | Clip |
ClipMode | ellipsis | Ellipsis |
ClipMode | ellipsiswithtooltip | EllipsisWithTooltip |
CommandButtonType | edit | Edit |
CommandButtonType | delete | Delete |
CommandButtonType | save | Save |
CommandButtonType | cancel | Cancel |
ContextMenuItem | autoFitAll | AutoFitAll |
ContextMenuItem | autoFit | AutoFit |
ContextMenuItem | group | Group |
ContextMenuItem | ungroup | Ungroup |
ContextMenuItem | edit | Edit |
ContextMenuItem | delete | Delete |
ContextMenuItem | save | Save |
ContextMenuItem | cancel | Cancel |
ContextMenuItem | copy | Copy |
ContextMenuItem | pdfExport | PdfExport |
ContextMenuItem | excelExport | ExcelExport |
ContextMenuItem | csvExport | CsvExport |
ContextMenuItem | sortAscending | SortAscending |
ContextMenuItem | sortDescending | SortDescending |
ContextMenuItem | firstPage | FirstPage |
ContextMenuItem | prevPage | PrevPage |
ContextMenuItem | lastPage | LastPage |
ContextMenuItem | nextPage | NextPage |
ColumnMenuItem | autoFitAll | AutoFitAll |
ColumnMenuItem | autoFit | AutoFit |
ColumnMenuItem | group | Group |
ColumnMenuItem | ungroup | Ungroup |
ColumnMenuItem | sortAscending | SortAscending |
ColumnMenuItem | sortDescending | SortDescending |
ColumnMenuItem | columnChooser | ColumnChooser |
ColumnMenuItem | filter | Filter |
PdfPageSize | letter | Letter |
PdfPageSize | note | Note |
PdfPageSize | legal | Legal |
PdfPageSize | a0 | A0 |
PdfPageSize | a1 | A1 |
PdfPageSize | a2 | A2 |
PdfPageSize | a3 | A3 |
PdfPageSize | a4 | A4 |
PdfPageSize | a5 | A5 |
PdfPageSize | a6 | A6 |
PdfPageSize | a7 | A7 |
PdfPageSize | a8 | A8 |
PdfPageSize | a9 | A9 |
PdfPageSize | b0 | B0 |
PdfPageSize | b1 | B1 |
PdfPageSize | b2 | B2 |
PdfPageSize | b3 | B3 |
PdfPageSize | b4 | B4 |
PdfPageSize | b5 | B5 |
PdfPageSize | archa | Archa |
PdfPageSize | archb | Archb |
PdfPageSize | archc | Archc |
PdfPageSize | archd | Archd |
PdfPageSize | arche | Arche |
PdfPageSize | flsa | Flsa |
PdfPageSize | halfletter | HalfLetter |
PdfPageSize | letter11x17 | Letter11x17 |
PdfPageSize | ledger | Ledger |
PageOrientation | landscape | Landscape |
PageOrientation | portrait | Portrait |
ContentType | image | Image |
ContentType | line | Line |
ContentType | pagenumber | PageNumber |
ContentType | text | Text |
PdfPageNumberType | lowerlatin | LowerLatin |
PdfPageNumberType | lowerroman | LowerRoman |
PdfPageNumberType | upperlatin | UpperLatin |
PdfPageNumberType | upperroman | UpperRoman |
PdfPageNumberType | numeric | Numeric |
PdfPageNumberType | arabic | Arabic |
PdfDashStyle | solid | Solid |
PdfDashStyle | dash | Dash |
PdfDashStyle | dot | Dot |
PdfDashStyle | dashdot | DashDot |
PdfDashStyle | dashdotdot | DashDotDot |
PdfHAlign | left | Left |
PdfHAlign | right | Right |
PdfHAlign | center | Center |
PdfHAlign | justify | Justify |
PdfVAlign | top | Top |
PdfVAlign | bottom | Bottom |
PdfVAlign | middle | Middle |
ExportType | currentpage | CurrentPage |
ExportType | allpages | AllPages |
ExcelHAlign | left | Left |
ExcelHAlign | right | Right |
ExcelHAlign | center | Center |
ExcelHAlign | fill | Fill |
ExcelVAlign | top | Top |
ExcelVAlign | bottom | Bottom |
ExcelVAlign | center | Center |
ExcelVAlign | justify | Justify |
BorderLineStyle | thin | Thin |
BorderLineStyle | thick | Thick |