Filter bar in EJ2 TypeScript Grid control

14 Mar 202424 minutes to read

The filter bar feature provides a user-friendly way to filter data in the Syncfusion EJ2 TypeScript Grid. It displays an input field for each column, allowing you to enter filter criteria and instantly see the filtered results.

By defining the allowFiltering to true, then filter bar row will be rendered next to header which allows you to filter data. You can filter the records with different expressions depending upon the column type.

Filter bar expressions:
You can enter the following filter expressions(operators) manually in the filter bar.

Expression Example Description Column Type
= =value equal Number
!= !=value notequal Number
> >value greaterthan Number
< <value lessthan Number
>= >=value greaterthanorequal Number
<= <=value lessthanorequal Number
* *value startswith String
% %value endswith String
N/A N/A Always equal operator will be used for Date filter Date
N/A N/A Always equal operator will be used for Boolean filter Boolean

The following example demonstrates how to activate default filtering in the grid.

import { Grid, Filter, Page } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';

Grid.Inject(Filter, Page);

let grid: Grid = new Grid({
    dataSource: data,
    allowPaging: true,
    pageSettings: { pageSize: 5 },
    allowFiltering: true,
    filterSettings: { type:'FilterBar' },
    columns: [
        { field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', textAlign: 'Right', width: 100 },
        { field: 'CustomerID', headerText: 'Customer ID', width: 120 },
        { field: 'OrderDate', headerText: 'OrderDate', width: 100, format: 'yMd'},
        { field: 'ShipCity', headerText: 'Ship City', width: 100 },
        { field: 'ShipName', headerText: 'Ship Name', width: 100 }
    height: 273
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To enable or dynamically switch the filter type, you must set the filterSettings.type as FilterBar.

Filter bar modes

The Syncfusion EJ2 TypeScript Grid control refers to two different ways in which the grid’s filter bar can operate when filtering criteria are applied. These modes, “OnEnter Mode” and “Immediate Mode,” offer users different experiences and behaviors when interacting with the filter bar.

OnEnter Mode:
By settings filterSettings.mode as OnEnter, the filter bar captures the filter criteria entered but doesn’t initiate filtering until the Enter key is pressed. This allows multiple criteria modifications without triggering immediate filtering actions.

Immediate Mode:
By settings filterSettings.mode as Immediate, the filter bar instantly applies filtering as filter criteria are entered. Filtering actions take place as soon as criteria are input or modified, providing real-time previews of filtering results.

import { Grid, Filter, Page } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';
import { DropDownList, ChangeEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns';

Grid.Inject(Filter, Page);

let grid: Grid = new Grid({
    dataSource: data,
    allowPaging: true,
    pageSettings: { pageSize: 5 },
    allowFiltering: true,
    columns: [
        { field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', textAlign: 'Right', width: 100 },
        { field: 'CustomerID', headerText: 'Customer ID', width: 120 },
        { field: 'OrderDate', headerText: 'OrderDate', width: 100, format: 'yMd'},
        { field: 'ShipCity', headerText: 'Ship City', width: 100 },
        { field: 'ShipName', headerText: 'Ship Name', width: 100 }
    height: 273

let filterModesData = ['Immediate', 'OnEnter'];
let dropDownList: DropDownList = new DropDownList({
    dataSource: filterModesData,
    change: onModeChange,

function onModeChange(args: ChangeEventArgs)  {
    grid.filterSettings = { mode: args.value }
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        <label class='label'>Select Filter Mode </label>
        <input type="text" id='dropdown' />
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Display filter text in pager

The Syncfusion EJ2 TypeScript Grid control provides an option to display filter text within the pager, indicating the current filtering status. Enabling this feature provides you with a clear understanding of the applied filters and the criteria used for filtering.

To enable the display of filter text within the pager, you should set the showFilterBarStatus property within the filterSettings configuration.

import { Grid, Filter, Page } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';
import { Switch, ChangeEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-buttons';

Grid.Inject(Filter, Page);

let grid: Grid = new Grid({
    dataSource: data,
    allowPaging: true,
    pageSettings: { pageSize: 5 },
    allowFiltering: true,
    columns: [
        { field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', textAlign: 'Right', width: 100 },
        { field: 'CustomerID', headerText: 'Customer ID', width: 120 },
        { field: 'OrderDate', headerText: 'OrderDate', width: 100, format: 'yMd'},
        { field: 'ShipCity', headerText: 'Ship City', width: 100 },
        { field: 'ShipName', headerText: 'Ship Name', width: 100 }
    height: 273

let switchObj: Switch = new Switch({
    checked: true,
    change: onChange

function onChange(args: ChangeEventArgs)  {
    grid.filterSettings = { showFilterBarStatus: args.checked }
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        <label><b> Show filter bar status </b></label>
        <input type="checkbox" id='switch' />
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Show or hide filter bar operator in filter bar cell

In the Syncfusion EJ2 TypeScript Grid control, you have the ability to modify the filter operator for a column directly within the user interface during the filtering process through the filter bar cell. For instance, the default operator for filtering string-type columns in the filter bar is “startswith”. Now, you can customize the default operator for a specific column using the filter operator feature.

To achieve this functionality, you can enable the showFilterBarOperator property within the filterSettings.

import { Grid, Filter, Page } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';
import { Switch, ChangeEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-buttons';

Grid.Inject(Filter, Page);

let grid: Grid = new Grid({
    dataSource: data,
    allowPaging: true,
    pageSettings: { pageSize: 5 },
    allowFiltering: true,
    columns: [
        { field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', textAlign: 'Right', width: 100 },
        { field: 'CustomerID', headerText: 'Customer ID', width: 120 },
        { field: 'OrderDate', headerText: 'OrderDate', width: 100, format: 'yMd'},
        { field: 'ShipCity', headerText: 'Ship City', width: 100 },
        { field: 'ShipName', headerText: 'Ship Name', width: 100 }
    height: 273

let switchObj: Switch = new Switch({
    change: onChange

function onChange(args: ChangeEventArgs)  {
    grid.filterSettings = { showFilterBarOperator: args.checked }
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Prevent filtering for particular column

In the Syncfusion EJ2 TypeScript Grid, you can prevent filtering for a specific column by utilizing the allowFiltering property of the column object and setting it to false. This feature is useful when you want to disable filtering options for a particular column.

Here’s an example that demonstrates how to remove the filter bar for the CustomerID column in Syncfusion EJ2 TypeScript Grid:

import { Grid, Filter } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';


let grid: Grid = new Grid({
    dataSource: data,
    allowFiltering: true,
    columns: [
        { field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', textAlign: 'Right', width: 100 },
        { field: 'CustomerID', headerText: 'Customer ID', width: 120, allowFiltering: false },
        { field: 'ShipCity', headerText: 'Ship City', width: 100 },
        { field: 'ShipName', headerText: 'Ship Name', width: 100 }
    height: 273
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Hide filter bar for template column

By default, the filter bar is set to a disabled mode for template columns in the grid. However, in certain cases, you may want to hide the filter bar for a template column to provide a customized filtering experience.

To hide the filter bar for a template column, you can use the filterTemplate property of the column. This property allows you to define a custom template for the filter bar of a column.

Here’s an example that demonstrates how to hide the filter bar for a template column in the Syncfusion EJ2 TypeScript Grid:

import { Grid, Filter, Page } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';

Grid.Inject(Filter, Page);

let grid: Grid = new Grid({
    dataSource: data,
    allowFiltering: true,
    allowPaging: true,
    pageSettings: { pageCount: 5 },
    columns: [
        { field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', width: 120, textAlign: 'Right' },
        { field: 'CustomerID', headerText: 'Customer Name', width: 150 },
        { headerText: 'Action', width: 150, template: function () {
                return '<button class="e-btn">Custom action</button>';
    height: 273,
    load: load


function load() {
    grid.columns[2].filterTemplate = '<span></span>';
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Filter bar template with custom control

The filterBarTemplate feature in the Syncfusion EJ2 TypeScript Grid allows you to customize the controls displayed in the filter bar. Normally, a text box is the default element rendered in the filter bar cell. This flexibility allows you to use various controls, such as datepicker, numerictextbox, combobox, and multiselect, within the filter bar based on your specific requirements.

To utilize this feature, you can define a custom template for the filter bar by setting the filterBarTemplate property of a column in your EJ2 TypeScript application:

import { Grid, Filter, parentsUntil, Page } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';
import { DropDownList, MultiSelect, ComboBox } from '@syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns';
import { NumericTextBox } from '@syncfusion/ej2-inputs';
import { DatePicker } from '@syncfusion/ej2-calendars';
import { Predicate, Query,DataUtil, DataManager, } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';

Grid.Inject(Filter, Page);

let pageSettings = { pageCount: 5 };
let orderidrules = { required: true };
let shipCityDistinctData = DataUtil.distinct(data, 'ShipCity', true);
let shipCountryDistinctData = DataUtil.distinct(data, 'ShipCountry', true);

let dropdown;
let numElement;
let dateElement;
let comboElement;
let multiSelectElement;

let templateOptionsDropDown = {
    create: () => {
        dropdown = document.createElement('select'); = 'CustomerID';
        let option = document.createElement('option');
        option.value = 'All';
        option.innerText = 'All';
        data.forEach((item) => {
            let option = document.createElement('option');
            option.value = (item as ItemType).CustomerID;
            option.innerText = (item as ItemType).CustomerID;
        return dropdown;
    write: () => {
        let dropdownlist = new DropDownList({
            change: (args) => {
                if (args.value !== 'All') {
                    grid.filterByColumn('_options', ''), 'equal', args.value);
                } else {
                    grid.removeFilteredColsByField('_options', ''));

let templateOptionsNumericTextBox = {
    create: () => {
        numElement = document.createElement('input');
        return numElement;
    write: () => {
        let numericTextBox = new NumericTextBox({
            format: '00.00',
            value: 10,

let templateOptionsDatePicker = {
    create: () => {
        dateElement = document.createElement('input');
        return dateElement;
    write: (args) => {
        let datePickerObj = new DatePicker({
            value: new Date(args.column.field),
            change: handleFilterChange,

let templateOptionsComboBox = {
    create: () => {
        comboElement = document.createElement('input'); = 'ShipCity';
        return comboElement;
    write: (args) => {
        let comboBox = new ComboBox({
            value: args.value,
            placeholder: 'Select a city',
            change: handleFilterChange,
            dataSource: => (item as ItemType).ShipCity),

let templateOptionsMultiSelect = {
    create: () => {
        multiSelectElement = document.createElement('input'); = 'ShipCountry';
        return multiSelectElement;
    write: (args) => {
        let multiselect = new MultiSelect({
            value: args.value,
            placeholder: 'Select a country',
            change: multiselectFunction,
            dataSource: => (item as ItemType).ShipCountry),

let handleFilterChange = (args) => {
    let targetElement = parentsUntil(args.element, 'e-filtertext');
    let columnName ='_filterBarcell', '');
    if (args.value) {
        grid.filterByColumn(columnName, 'equal', args.value);
    } else {

let multiselectFunction = (args) => {
    let selectedValues = args.value;
    if (selectedValues.length === 0) {
        let OrginalData = new DataManager(data).executeLocal(new Query());
        grid.dataSource = OrginalData;
    } else {
        let predicate = [];
        for (let x = 0; x < selectedValues.length; x++) {
            predicate = predicate.length === 0 ? new Predicate('ShipCountry', 'equal', selectedValues[x]) : predicate.or('ShipCountry', 'equal', selectedValues[x]);
        let filteredData = new DataManager(data).executeLocal(new Query().where(predicate));
        grid.dataSource = filteredData;

let grid = new Grid({
    dataSource: data,
    allowFiltering: true,
    allowPaging: true,
    pageSettings: pageSettings,
    height: 315,
    columns: [
        { field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', width: '120', textAlign: 'Right', isPrimaryKey: true, validationRules: orderidrules },
        { field: 'CustomerID', headerText: 'Customer ID', width: '120', textAlign: 'Right', filterBarTemplate: templateOptionsDropDown },
        { field: 'Freight', headerText: 'Freight', width: '100', format: 'C2', textAlign: 'Right', filterBarTemplate: templateOptionsNumericTextBox },
        { field: 'OrderDate', headerText: 'Order Date', width: '120', format: 'yMd', type: 'date', filterBarTemplate: templateOptionsDatePicker },
        { field: 'ShipCity', headerText: 'Ship City', width: '120',  filterBarTemplate: templateOptionsComboBox },
        { field: 'ShipCountry', headerText: 'Ship Country', width: '120', filterBarTemplate: templateOptionsMultiSelect }

interface ItemType {
    CustomerID: string,
    ShipCity: string,
    ShipCountry: string
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See also