Insert text or image in table programmatically in EJ2 TypeScript Document editor control

26 Nov 20232 minutes to read

Using Document editor API’s, you can insert text or image in table programmatically based on your requirement.

Use selection API’s to navigate between rows and cells.

The following example illustrates how to create 2*2 table and then add text and image programmatically.

import { DocumentEditorContainer, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-documenteditor';


let container: DocumentEditorContainer = new DocumentEditorContainer({ enableToolbar: true, height: '590px' });

container.serviceUrl = '';

// To insert the table in cursor position
// To insert the image at table first cell
container.documentEditor.editor.insertImage("    //8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==");
// To move the cursor to next cell
// To insert the image at table second cell
container.documentEditor.editor.insertImage("    //8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==");
// To move the cursor to next row
// To insert text in cursor position
// To move the cursor to next cell
// To insert text in cursor position

function moveCursorToNextCell() {
// To get current selection start offset
var startOffset=container.documentEditor.selection.startOffset;
// Increasing cell index to consider next cell
var cellIndex= parseInt(startOffset.substring(6, 7)) + 1;
// Changing start offset
startOffset = startOffset.substring(0, 6) + cellIndex.toString() + startOffset.substring(7, startOffset.length);
// Navigating selection using select method, startOffset);

function moveCursorToNextRow() {
// To get current selection start offset
var startOffset=container.documentEditor.selection.startOffset;
// Increasing row index to consider next row
var rowIndex= parseInt(startOffset.substring(4, 5)) + 1;
var cellIndex= parseInt(startOffset.substring(6,7)) != 0? parseInt(startOffset.substring(6,7)) - 1:0;
// Changing start offset
startOffset = startOffset.substring(0, 4) + rowIndex.toString() + startOffset.substring(5, 6) + cellIndex + startOffset.substring(7, startOffset.length);
// Navigating selection using select method, startOffset);

The output will be like below.
Insert text or image in table programmatically