Disable header and footer edit in EJ2 TypeScript Document editor

10 May 20243 minutes to read

You can use restrictEditing property to disable header and footer editing based on selection context type.

RestrictEditing allows you to restrict the document modification and makes the Document read only mode. So, by using this property, and if selection inside header or footer, you can set this property as true.

The following example code illustrates how to header and footer edit in DocumentEditorContainer instance.

import { DocumentEditorContainer, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-documenteditor';

let hostUrl: string = 'https://services.syncfusion.com/js/production/';

let container: DocumentEditorContainer = new DocumentEditorContainer({ enableToolbar: true, height: '590px' });
container.serviceUrl = hostUrl + 'api/documenteditor/';
container.selectionChange = (): void => {
  // Check whether selection is in header
  if (container.documentEditor.selection.contextType.indexOf('Header') > -1 ||
    // Check whether selection is in Footer
    container.documentEditor.selection.contextType.indexOf('Footer') > -1) {
    // Change the document to read only mode
    container.restrictEditing = true;
  } else {
    // Change the document to editable mode
    container.restrictEditing = false;

Otherwise, you can disable clicking inside Header or Footer by using closeHeaderFooter API in selection module.

The following example code illustrates how to close header and footer when selection is inside header or footer in DocumentEditorContainer instance.

import { DocumentEditorContainer, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-documenteditor';

let hostUrl: string = 'https://services.syncfusion.com/js/production/';

let container: DocumentEditorContainer = new DocumentEditorContainer({ enableToolbar: true, height: '590px' });
container.serviceUrl = hostUrl + 'api/documenteditor/';
container.selectionChange = (): void => {

   // Check whether selection is in header
   if (container.documentEditor.selection.contextType.indexOf('Header') > -1 ||
    // Check whether selection is in Footer
     container.documentEditor.selection.contextType.indexOf('Footer') > -1) {
    // Close header Footer

Like restrictEditing, you can use isReadOnly property in Document editor to disable header and footer edit.

The following example code illustrates how to header and footer edit in DocumentEditor instance.

import { DocumentEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-documenteditor';

let hostUrl: string = 'https://services.syncfusion.com/js/production/';

let documentEditor: DocumentEditor = new DocumentEditor({ isReadOnly: false, height: '590px' });
documentEditor.serviceUrl = hostUrl + 'api/documenteditor/';
documentEditor.selectionChange = (): void => {
  // Check whether selection is in header
  if (documentEditor.selection.contextType.indexOf('Header') > -1 ||
    // Check whether selection is in Footer
    documentEditor.selection.contextType.indexOf('Footer') > -1) {
    // Change the document to read only mode
    documentEditor.isReadOnly = true;
  } else {
    // Change the document to editable mode
    documentEditor.isReadOnly = false;