Api dialogModel in EJ2 TypeScript Dialog control

8 May 20231 minute to read

Interface for a class Dialog


beforeClose EmitType<BeforeCloseEventArgs>

Event triggers before close the Dialog.

beforeOpen EmitType<BeforeOpenEventArgs>

Event triggers before open the Dialog.

close EmitType<Object>

Event triggers once the Dialog is closed.

created EmitType<Object>

Event triggers when the Dialog is created.

drag EmitType<Object>

Event triggers when the user drags Dialog.

dragStart EmitType<Object>

Event triggers when user starts to drag the Dialog.

dragStop EmitType<Object>

Event triggers when the user stops dragging the Dialog.

open EmitType<Object>

Event triggers once Dialog is opened.

overlayClick EmitType<Object>

Event triggers when modal Dialog overlay is clicked.

allowDragging boolean

Specifies the value to either enable or disable draggable option in Dialog.

animationSettings AnimationSettingsModel

Specifies the Dialog animation settings.

buttons ButtonPropsModel[]

Specifies the collection of Dialog buttons with click action and button component model.

closeOnEscape boolean

Specifies the Dialog that is closed when user press the ESC key.

content string | HTMLElement

Specifies the content to be displayed in Dialog, it can be text or HTML element.

cssClass string

Specifies the CSS class name to be added for Dialog element.
User can add single or multiple CSS classes.

enablePersistence boolean

Enable or disable persisting component’s state between page reloads.

enableRtl boolean

Enable or disable rendering component in right to left direction.

footerTemplate string

Specifies the template content to defines how the Dialog footer is rendered.

header string

Specifies the header content that defines how the Dialog header is rendered.

height string | number

Specifies the height of the Dialog.

isModal boolean

Specifies the value to render the Dialog as modal or modeless.

locale string

Overrides the global culture and localization value for this component. Default global culture is ‘en-US’.

position PositionDataModel

Specifies to position the Dialog on built-in 9 places or any custom location with respect to the associated target elements.
For ex: {X:’left’, Y:’top’} or { X: 100, Y: 100 }.
Following list of positions are available.

  • for X is: left, center, right (or) any offset value
  • for Y is: top, center, bottom (or) any offset value

showCloseIcon boolean

Specifies the value to either show or hide the close icon button.

target HTMLElement | string

Specifies the target element where the Dialog should be displayed. If the user set the specific target element for Dialog, it will be positioned based on the target.

visible boolean

Specifies the value to either Dialog is opened or not.

width string | number

Specifies the width of the Dialog.

zIndex number

Specifies the z-index value for Dialog.