Customization in EJ2 TypeScript Datetimepicker control

26 Apr 20235 minutes to read

The DateTimePicker is available for UI customization that can be achieved by using available properties and events in the component.

Day and Time Cell format

The DateTimePicker is available for UI customization based on your application requirements. It can be achieved by using renderDayCell event that provides an option to customize each day cell on rendering.

The following example disables the weekends of every month by using renderDayCell event.

import { DateTimePicker, RenderDayCellEventArgs, ItemEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-calendars';
// creates datetimepicker with placeholder.
let datetimeObject: DateTimePicker = new DateTimePicker({
    // Bind the renderDayCell event to customize the each day cell.
    renderDayCell: onRenderCell,
    // sets the placeholder
    placeholder: 'Select a date and time'

function onRenderCell(args: RenderDayCellEventArgs): void {
    if ( == 0 || == 6) {
         //sets isDisabled to true to disable the date.
        args.isDisabled = true;

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    <meta name="description" content="Typescript UI Controls" />
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Adding mandatory asterisk to placeholder and float label

You can add a mandatory asterisk(*) to placeholder and float label using .e-input-group.e-control-wrapper.e-float-input .e-float-text::after class.

import { DateTimePicker } from '@syncfusion/ej2-calendars';
// creates a simple datetimepicker component
let datetimepicker: DateTimePicker = new DateTimePicker({
//sets the place holder
placeholder:"Select DateTime"

floatLabelType: 'Auto'
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    <meta name="description" content="Typescript UI Controls" />
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See Also