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Ej1 api migration in EJ2 TypeScript Combo box control
2 May 20236 minutes to read
This article describes the API migration process of ComboBox component from Essential JS 1 to Essential JS 2.
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
| — | — | — |
| Default | Property: datasourcevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{dataSource: List});
|Property: dataSourcelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({dataSource: sportsData,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Fields for mapping | Property: fieldsvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{fields: { text: "text", value: "empid" }});
|Property: fieldslet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({fields: { text: "text", value: "empid" },});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
|Query | Property: queryvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{query: ej.Query().requiresCount()})
| Property: querylet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({query: new Query().from('Customers').select(['ContactName', 'CustomerID']).take(6),});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Begin event | Event:actionBeginvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{actionBegin: "begin"});
| Event: actionBeginlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({actionBegin: "begin",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Complete event | Event:actionCompletevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{actionComplete: "begin"});
| Event: actionCompletelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({actionComplete: "begin",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Failure event |Event:actionFailurevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{actionFailure: "begin"});
| Event: actionFailurelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({actionFailure: "begin",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
| — | — | — |
| Default| Property: allowFilteringvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{allowFiltering: true});
| Property: allowFilteringlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({allowFiltering: true,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| No records template | Property: noRecordsTemplatevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{allowFiltering: "<span class='norecord'> NO DATA AVAILABLE</span>"});
|Property: noRecordsTemplatelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({allowFiltering: true,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Ignore casing and diacritics| Not Applicable | Property: ignoreAccentlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({ignoreAccent: true,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Custom value addition | Property: allowCustomvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{allowCustom: true});
| https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/demos/#/material/combo-box/custom-value.html |
| Search event | Event: filteringvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{filtering: "filtering"});
| Event: filteringlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({filtering: "filtering",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
| — | — | — |
| Default | Property: itemTemplatevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{itemTemplate: "<span class='item' ><span class='name'>${FirstName}</span><span class='city'>${City}</span></span>"});
| Property: itemTemplatelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({itemTemplate: "<span class='item' ><span class='name'>${FirstName}</span><span class='city'>${City}</span></span>",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Group Template | Property: groupTemplatevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{groupTemplate: "<strong>${City}</strong>"});
| Property: groupTemplatelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({groupTemplate: "<strong>${City}</strong>",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| ValueTemplate | Not Applicable |Property: valueTemplatelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({valueTemplate: "<span>${FirstName} - ${City}</span>",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Header Template | Property: headerTemplatevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{headerTemplate: "<span class='head'><span class='name'>Name</span><span class='city'>City</span></span>"});
| Property: headerTemplatelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({headerTemplate: "<span class='head'><span class='name'>Name</span><span class='city'>City</span></span>",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| FooterTemplate| Property: footerTemplatevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{footerTemplate: "<span class='foot'> Total list items: " + sportsData.length + "</span>"});
| Property: footerTemplatelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({footerTemplate: "<span class='foot'> Total list items: " + sportsData.length + "</span>",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| No records Template | Property: noRecordsTemplatevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{noRecordsTemplate: "<span class='norecord'> NO DATA AVAILABLE</span>"});
| Property: noRecordsTemplatelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({noRecordsTemplate: "<span class='norecord'> NO DATA AVAILABLE</span>",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Auto fill | Property: autoFillvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{autoFill: true});
|Property: autoFilllet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({autoFill: true,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Action failure Template | Property: actionFailureTemplatevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{actionFailureTemplate: "<span class='action-failure'> Data fetch get fails</span>"});
|Property: actionFailureTemplatelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({actionFailureTemplate: "<span class='action-failure'> Data fetch get fails</span>",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
Applying CSS
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
| — | — | —|
| Default | Property: cssClass var sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{cssClass: "className"});
| Property: cssClasslet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({cssClass: "className",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| width | Property: width var sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{width: "500px"});
| Property: Widthlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({width: "500px",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2|
| — | — | — |
| Default | Property: fieldsvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{fields: { groupBy: "text", value: "empid" }});
| Property: fieldslet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({fields: { groupBy: "text", value: "empid" },});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2|
| — | — | — |
| Globalization | Property: localevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{locale: true});
| Property: localelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({locale: true});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Rtl support| Property: enableRtlvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{enableRtl: true});
|Property: enableRtllet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({enableRtl: true,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2|
| — | — | — |
| Watermark text | Property: placeholdervar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{placeholder: "Select"});
Property: placeholderlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({placeholder: "Select",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Floating of watermark text| Not applicable |Property: floatLabelTypelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({floatLabelType: "Auto",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2|
| — | — | — |
| Enable/disable | Property: enabledvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{enabled: true});
|Property: enabledlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({enabled: true,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Read only | Property: readOnlyvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{readOnly: true});
|Property: readOnlylet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({readOnly: true,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Addition of Html attributes | Property: htmlAttributesvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{htmlAttributes: { disabled: "disabled"}});
| Property: htmlAttributeslet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({htmlAttributes: { disabled: "disabled"},});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
|Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
| — | — | — |
| Order of sorting | Property: sortOrdervar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{sortOrder: SortOrder.Ascending});
| Property: sortOrderlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({sortOrder: SortOrder.Ascending,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
| — | — | — |
| Selecting particular index | Property: indexvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{index: 1});
| Property: indexlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({index: 1,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Selecting particular value | Property: valuevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{value: "data"});
| Property: valuelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({value: "data",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Selecting particular text | Property: text var sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{text: "data"});
| Property: textlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({text: "data",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Getting data by using value | Method: getItemDataByValuevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{});
$(‘#dropdown1’).ejComboBox(‘getItemDataByValue’,”data”) | Method: getDataByValuelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({enabled: true,});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Select event | Event: selectvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{select: "onSelect"});
| Event: selectlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({select: "onSelect",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Behavior| API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
| — | — | — |
| Popup height | Property: popupHeightvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{popupHeight: "300px"});
|Property:popupheightlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({popupHeight: "300px",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Popup width | Property: popupWidthvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{popupWidth: "300px"})
|Property:popupWidthlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({popupWidth: "300px",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Popup showing manually | Method: showPopupvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{})
| Method: showPopuplet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
cmbObj.showPopup(); |
| Popup hiding manually | Method: hidePopupvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{})
sample.hidePopup(); | Method: hidePopuplet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({popupHeight: "300px",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
comboBoxObject.hidePopup(); |
| Popup hide event | Event: closevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{close: "onClose"})
| Event: closelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({close: "onclose",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Popup shown event | Event: openvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{open: "onOpen"})
| Event: openlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({open: "onOpen",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 |API in Essential JS 2 |
| — | — | — |
| Adding new item | Method : addItemvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{})
sample.addItem({ text :”India”});| Method: addItemlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
comboBoxObject.addItem({Id: ‘id’, Game: ‘Golf’},2);|
| Focus out event | Not applicable | Event: Blurlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({blur: "onclose",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Focus in event | Event: focusvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{focus:"focus"})
| Event: focusInlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({focusIn: "focus",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Focus out | Method: focusOutvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{})
sample.focusOut();| Method: focusOutlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({open: "onOpen",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
comboBoxObject.focusOut(); |
| Focus in | Method: focusInvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{})
sample.focusIn(); | Method: focusInlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
comboBoxObject.focusIn(); |
| Getting the data | Method : getItemsvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{})
sample.getItems(); | Method: getItemslet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Create event | Event: createvar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{create:"onCreate"})
| Event: createdlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({created: "oncreate",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Change event | Event: changevar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{focus:"focus"})
| Event: changelet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({change: "onchange",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');
| Custom value event | Event: customValueSpecifiervar sample = new ej.ComboBox($('#dropdown1'),{customValueSpecifier:"customValueSpecifier"})
| Event: customValueSpecifierlet comboBoxObject = new ComboBox({customValueSpecifier: "customValueSpecifier",});comboBoxObject.appendTo('#cmbelement');