Strip line in EJ2 TypeScript Chart control

8 May 202311 minutes to read

EJ2 chart supports horizontal and vertical strip lines and customization of stripline in both orientation. To use strip line in axis, we need to inject StripLine module using Chart.Inject(StripLine) method

Horizontal Strip lines

You can create Horizontal stripline by adding the stripline in the vertical axis and set visible option to true. Striplines are rendered in the specified start to end range and you can add more than one stripline for an axis.

import { Chart, Category, ColumnSeries, LineSeries, DataLabel, StripLine } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
Chart.Inject(ColumnSeries, Category, LineSeries, DataLabel, StripLine);
let chartData: any[] = [{x: 1, y: 20},{x: 2, y: 22},{x: 3, y: 0},{x: 4, y: 12},{x: 5, y: 5},
   {x: 6, y: 15},{x: 7, y: 6},{x: 8, y: 12},{x: 9, y: 20},{x: 10, y: 7}];
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
   primaryYAxis: {
            { start: 15, end: 22 },
            { start: 8, end: 15 },
            { start: 0, end: 8 }]
        dataSource: chartData,
        xName: 'x', yName: 'y', type: 'Column'
}, '#element');
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Vertical Striplines

You can create vertical stripline by adding thestripline in the horizontal axis and set visible option to true. Striplines are rendered in the specified start to end range and you can add more than one stripline for an axis.

import { Chart, Category, ColumnSeries, LineSeries, DataLabel, StripLine } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { stripData } from './datasource.ts';
Chart.Inject(ColumnSeries, Category, LineSeries, DataLabel, StripLine);

let chart: Chart = new Chart({
    primaryXAxis: {
            {start: 0, end: 5 },
            {start: 5, end: 10 },
        dataSource: stripData,
        xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
        type: 'Column'}],
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Customize the strip line

Starting value in specific strip line can be customized by start property in strip line. Similarly, ending value is customized by end. It can be also set for starting from the corresponding origin of the axis by startFromOrigin. Size of the strip line is customized by size. Border for the stripline is customized by border. Order of the strip line such that whether it should be rendered in behind or over the series elements is customized by zIndex.

import { Chart, ColumnSeries, LineSeries, DataLabel, StripLine } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { stripData } from './datasource.ts';
Chart.Inject(ColumnSeries, LineSeries, DataLabel, StripLine);

let chart: Chart = new Chart({
    primaryXAxis: {
            { startFromOrigin: true, size: 4, zIndex: 'Behind', opacity: 0.5}
        dataSource: stripData,
        xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
        type: 'Column',
}, '#element');
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Customize the stripline text

You can customize the text rendered in stripline by textStyle property. Rotation of the strip line text can be changed by rotation property.
Horizontal and Vertical alignment of stripline text can be changed by horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment property.

import { Chart, ColumnSeries, LineSeries, StripLine } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { stripData } from './datasource.ts';
Chart.Inject(ColumnSeries, LineSeries, StripLine);

let chart: Chart = new Chart({
    primaryXAxis: {
            { startFromOrigin: true, size: 4, zIndex: 'Behind', opacity: 0.5,  text: 'Good', verticalAlignment: 'Middle', horizontalAlignment: 'Middle', rotation: 90, textStyle: { size: 15}},
            { start: 5, end: 8, verticalAlignment: 'Start', horizontalAlignment: 'End', rotation: 45, text: 'Poor'}
        dataSource: stripData,
        xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
        type: 'Column',
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See Also