Axis hide in EJ2 TypeScript Chart control

8 May 202312 minutes to read

By using the chartMouseClick event, you can hide the axis line through legend.

To hide the axis line through legend click, follow the given steps:

Step 1:

Create a chart with multiple axes.

By using the chartMouseClick event, you can get the legend’s target ids. Using this event, you can also get the yAxisName of each axis, based on which you can hide the axis line when clicking the legend.

The following code sample demonstrates the output.

import {
    Chart, ColumnSeries, IAxisLabelRenderEventArgs, DataLabel, ILoadedEventArgs, Tooltip, Legend, IMouseEventArgs
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
Chart.Inject(ColumnSeries, DataLabel, Tooltip, Legend);

    let chart: Chart = new Chart({
            rowIndex: 0,
            name: 'yAxis',
              opposedPosition: true,
              majorGridLines : {
              width : 0
            rowIndex: 0,
            name: 'yAxis1',
             opposedPosition: true,
              majorGridLines : {
              width : 0
       margin: {left: 100, right: 100},

        //Initializing Chart Sample
        series: [
                type: 'Column',
                dataSource: [
                    { x: 16, y: 2 }, { x: 17, y: 14 },
                    { x: 18, y: 7 }, { x: 19, y: 7 },
                    { x: 20, y: 10 }
                xName: 'x', width: 2,
                yName: 'y', name: 'England', fill: '#1e90ff',

                type: 'Column',
                dataSource: [
                    { x: 16, y: 12 }, { x: 17, y: 10 },
                    { x: 18, y: 17 }, { x: 19, y: 20 },
                    { x: 20, y: 16 }
                xName: 'x', width: 2,
                yName: 'y', name: 'England', fill: 'green', yAxisName: 'yAxis1'

                type: 'Column',
                dataSource: [
                    { x: 16, y: 7 }, { x: 17, y: 7 },
                    { x: 18, y: 11 }, { x: 19, y: 8 },
                    { x: 20, y: 24 }
                xName: 'x', width: 2,
                yName: 'y', name: 'West Indies', fill: '#b22222',
                  yAxisName: 'yAxis',

        chartMouseClick: (args: IMouseEventArgs) => {
          if ((('chart_legend_text') > -1) || (('chart_legend_shape') > -1) ||
      ('chart_legend_shape_marker_') && !('chart_legend_element')) {
      var ids = (('chart_legend_text') > -1) ? ('chart_legend_text_')[1].split() :'chart_legend_shape_marker_')[1] ||'chart_legend_shape_')[1];
          var chart1 = document.getElementById("element").ej2_instances[0];
        var axesSeriesvisible1 = chart1.axes[0].series[0].visible;
        var axesSeriesvisible2 = chart1.axes[1].series[0].visible;
      if ((chart1.visibleSeries[ids].visible)) {
        if ((chart1.visibleSeries[ids].yAxisName === null)) {
          chart1.primaryYAxis.visible = false;
        } else if ((chart1.visibleSeries[ids].yAxisName === chart1.axes[0].name)) {
          if((!axesSeriesvisible1 && axesSeriesvisible2) || (axesSeriesvisible1 && !axesSeriesvisible2) || (!axesSeriesvisible1 && !axesSeriesvisible2)) {
           chart1.axes[0].visible = false
          } else if(((!axesSeriesvisible1 && axesSeriesvisible2) || (axesSeriesvisible1 && !axesSeriesvisible2) || (axesSeriesvisible1 && axesSeriesvisible1)) && !chart1.axes[1].visible) {
           chart1.axes[1].visible = false;

        }  else if ((chart1.visibleSeries[ids].yAxisName === chart1.axes[1].name)) {
            chart1.axes[1].visible = false;
      } else {
        if ((chart1.visibleSeries[ids].yAxisName === null)) {
         chart1.primaryYAxis.visible = true;
        } else if ((chart1.visibleSeries[ids].yAxisName === chart1.axes[0].name)) {
         if((!axesSeriesvisible1 && axesSeriesvisible2) || (axesSeriesvisible1 && !axesSeriesvisible2) || (!axesSeriesvisible1 && !axesSeriesvisible2)) {
           chart1.axes[0].visible = true
          } else if(((!axesSeriesvisible1 && axesSeriesvisible2) || (axesSeriesvisible1 && !axesSeriesvisible2) || (axesSeriesvisible1 && axesSeriesvisible2)) && !chart1.axes[1].visible) {
            chart1.axes[1].visible = true;
        }  else if ((chart1.visibleSeries[ids].yAxisName === chart1.axes[1].name)) {
            chart1.axes[1].visible = true;

        //Initializing Chart title
        title: 'England vs West Indies',
        //Initializing User Interaction Tooltip
        tooltip: { enable: true, format: '${point.x}th Over : <b>${point.y} Runs</b>' }
    }, '#element');
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