Api axis in EJ2 TypeScript Chart control
8 May 20236 minutes to read
Configures the axes in the chart.
border LabelBorderModel
Border of the multi level labels.
coefficient number
The polar radar radius position.
Defaults to 100
columnIndex number
Specifies the index of the column where the axis is associated, when the chart area is divided into multiple plot areas by using columns
<div id='Chart'></div>
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
columns: [{ width: '50%' },
{ width: '50%' }],
axes: [{
name: 'xAxis 1',
columnIndex: 1,
Defaults to 0
crossesAt Object
Specifies the value at which the axis line has to be intersect with the vertical axis or vice versa.
Defaults to null
crossesInAxis string
Specifies axis name with which the axis line has to be crossed
Defaults to null
crosshairTooltip CrosshairTooltipModel
Options to customize the crosshair ToolTip.
description string
Description for axis and its element.
Defaults to null
desiredIntervals number
With this property, you can request axis to calculate intervals approximately equal to your specified interval.
Defaults to null
edgeLabelPlacement string
Specifies the position of labels at the edge of the axis.They are,
- None: No action will be performed.
- Hide: Edge label will be hidden.
- Shift: Shifts the edge labels.
Defaults to ‘None’
enableAutoIntervalOnZooming boolean
If set to true, axis interval will be calculated automatically with respect to the zoomed range.
Defaults to true
interval number
Specifies the interval for an axis.
Defaults to null
intervalType string
Specifies the types like Years
, Months
, Days
, Hours
, Minutes
, Seconds
in date time axis.They are,
- Auto: Defines the interval of the axis based on data.
- Years: Defines the interval of the axis in years.
- Months: Defines the interval of the axis in months.
- Days: Defines the interval of the axis in days.
- Hours: Defines the interval of the axis in hours.
- Minutes: Defines the interval of the axis in minutes.
Defaults to ‘Auto’
isIndexed boolean
Specifies indexed category axis.
Defaults to false
isInversed boolean
It specifies whether the axis to be rendered in inversed manner or not.
Defaults to false
labelFormat string
Used to format the axis label that accepts any global string format like ‘C’, ‘n1’, ‘P’ etc.
It also accepts placeholder like ‘{value}°C’ in which value represent the axis label, e.g, 20°C.
Defaults to ’’
labelIntersectAction string
Specifies the actions like Hide
, Rotate45
, and Rotate90
when the axis labels intersect with each other.They are,
- None: Shows all the labels.
- Hide: Hides the label when it intersects.
- Rotate45: Rotates the label to 45 degree when it intersects.
- Rotate90: Rotates the label to 90 degree when it intersects.
Defaults to Hide
labelPlacement string
Specifies the placement of a label for category axis. They are,
- betweenTicks: Renders the label between the ticks.
- onTicks: Renders the label on the ticks.
Defaults to ‘BetweenTicks’
labelPosition string
Specifies the placement of a labels to the axis line. They are,
- inside: Renders the labels inside to the axis line.
- outside: Renders the labels outside to the axis line.
Defaults to ‘Outside’
labelRotation number
The angle to which the axis label gets rotated.
Defaults to 0
labelStyle FontModel
Options to customize the axis label.
lineStyle AxisLineModel
Options for customizing axis lines.
logBase number
The base value for logarithmic axis. It requires valueType
to be Logarithmic
Defaults to 10
majorGridLines MajorGridLinesModel
Options for customizing major grid lines.
majorTickLines MajorTickLinesModel
Options for customizing major tick lines.
maximum Object
Specifies the maximum range of an axis.
Defaults to null
maximumLabels number
The maximum number of label count per 100 pixels with respect to the axis length.
Defaults to 3
minimum Object
Specifies the minimum range of an axis.
Defaults to null
minorGridLines MinorGridLinesModel
Options for customizing minor grid lines.
minorTickLines MinorTickLinesModel
Options for customizing minor tick lines.
minorTicksPerInterval number
Specifies the number of minor ticks per interval.
Defaults to 0
multiLevelLabels MultiLevelLabelsModel[]
Specifies the multi level labels collection for the axis
name string
Unique identifier of an axis.
To associate an axis with the series, set this name to the xAxisName/yAxisName properties of the series.
Defaults to ’’
opposedPosition boolean
If set to true, the axis will render at the opposite side of its default position.
Defaults to false
placeNextToAxisLine boolean
Specifies whether axis elements like axis labels, axis title, etc has to be crossed with axis line
Defaults to true
plotOffset number
Left and right padding for the plot area in pixels.
Defaults to 0
rangePadding string
Specifies the padding for the axis range in terms of interval.They are,
- none: Padding cannot be applied to the axis.
- normal: Padding is applied to the axis based on the range calculation.
- additional: Interval of the axis is added as padding to the minimum and maximum values of the range.
- round: Axis range is rounded to the nearest possible value divided by the interval.
Defaults to ‘Auto’
rowIndex number
Specifies the index of the row where the axis is associated, when the chart area is divided into multiple plot areas by using rows
<div id='Chart'></div>
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
rows: [{ height: '50%' },
{ height: '50%' }],
axes: [{
name: 'yAxis 1',
rowIndex: 1,
Defaults to 0
skeleton string
Specifies the skeleton format in which the dateTime format will process.
Defaults to ’’
skeletonType string
It specifies the type of format to be used in dateTime format process.
Defaults to ‘DateTime’
span number
Specifies the number of columns
or rows
an axis has to span horizontally or vertically.
Defaults to 1
startAngle number
The start angle for the series.
Defaults to 0
stripLines StripLineSettingsModel[]
Specifies the stripLine collection for the axis
tabIndex number
TabIndex value for the axis.
Defaults to 2
tickPosition string
Specifies the placement of a ticks to the axis line. They are,
- inside: Renders the ticks inside to the axis line.
- outside: Renders the ticks outside to the axis line.
Defaults to ‘Outside’
title string
Specifies the title of an axis.
Defaults to ’’
titleStyle FontModel
Options for customizing the axis title.
valueType string
Specifies the type of data the axis is handling.
- Double: Renders a numeric axis.
- DateTime: Renders a dateTime axis.
- Category: Renders a category axis.
- Logarithmic: Renders a log axis.
Defaults to ‘Double’
visible boolean
If set to true, axis label will be visible.
Defaults to true
zoomFactor number
The axis is scaled by this factor. When zoomFactor is 0.5, the chart is scaled by 200% along this axis. Value ranges from 0 to 1.
Defaults to 1
zoomPosition number
Position of the zoomed axis. Value ranges from 0 to 1.
Defaults to 0