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Overview API in JavaScript TreeMap API control

Name Description
Border Sets and gets the options for customizing the color and width of the border in treemap.
ColorMapping Sets and gets the options to customize the color-mapping in treemap.
CommonTitleSettings Sets and gets the options for customizing the title of the treemap.
Font Sets and gets the options to customize the style of the text contents in the treemap.
HighlightSettings Sets and gets the options for customizing the highlighting of the treemap item,
when the mouse hover is performed in it.
InitialDrillSettings Sets and gets the settings for drill down to visualize the treemap rendered in the initial state.
LeafItemSettings Sets and gets the options for customizing the leaf item of the treemap.
LegendSettings Sets and gets the options for customizing the legend of the treemap.
LevelSettings Sets and gets the options for customizing the level leaf items of the treemap.
Margin Sets and gets the margin for the treemap.
SelectionSettings Sets and gets the options for customizing the selection of the leaf items in treemap.
SubTitleSettings Sets and gets the options for customizing the subtitle of the treemap.
TitleSettings Sets and gets the options for customizing the title of the treemap.
TooltipSettings Sets and gets the options for customizing the tooltip of the treemap.
TreeMap Represents the treemap control. It is used to visualize both hierarchical and flat data.
Location Specifies the location parameters.
Size Specifies the size parameters.
TreeMapAjax Specifies the data to be received through Ajax request for treemap.
IClickEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when click event is performed on the treemap items.
IDoubleClickEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when double click action is performed on the treemap items.
IDrillEndEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for the drill down end event of the treemap.
IDrillStartEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for the drill down start event of treemap.
IItemClickEventArgs Defines the event arguments for treemap item click event.
IItemHighlightEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when the item is highlighted in the treemap.
IItemMoveEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when mouse move action is performed on the treemap items.
IItemRenderingEventArgs Specifies the event arguments in item rendering event in treemap.
IItemSelectedEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when the leaf item is selected in the treemap.
ILegendItemRenderingEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when rendering each legend item in the treemap.
ILegendRenderingEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when rendering the legend in the treemap.
ILoadEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for load event in treemap.
ILoadedEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for loaded event in treemap.
IMouseMoveEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when mouse action is performed on the treemap items.
IPrintEventArgs Specifies the event arguments for print event in treemap.
IResizeEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available for resize event of the treemap.
IRightClickEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when right click action is performed on the treemap items.
ITreeMapTooltipRenderEventArgs Specifies the event arguments available when the tooltip is rendered in the treemap.
Alignment Specifies the alignment of the elements in the treemap.
ExportType Specifies the export type for the treemap.
HighLightMode Specifies the element which must be highlighted when mouse over is performed in treemap.
LabelAlignment Defines the action of the label to be placed within the defined margins.
LabelIntersectAction Defines the action to perform when the labels intersect each other in the treemap.
LabelPlacement Defines the placement type of the label.
LabelPosition Defines the position of the label in treemap leaf node.
LayoutMode Specifies the layout rendering mode of the treemap.
LegendMode Defines the modes for rendering the legend.
LegendOrientation Specifies the orientation of the legend in the treemap.
LegendPosition Defines the position of the legend in the treemap.
LegendShape Defines the shape of legend item in the treemap.
RenderingMode Defines the rendering directions to render the treemap items in the treemap.
SelectionMode Specifies the element which must be selected when click event is performed in treemap.
TreeMapTheme Defines the theme supported for treemap.