Interface for a class PageSettings
Sets the current page number in the TreeGrid, defining which page of data is initially displayed to users.
When set to true, appends the current page information as a query string to the remote service URL during page navigation within the TreeGrid.
Determines the number of page numbers displayed in the TreeGrid pager container. This setting helps users navigate between different parts of the dataset.
Specifies the number of records to display per page in the TreeGrid. Adjust this setting to control the volume of data presented on each page.
Specifies the mode for counting records on a page, determining whether all records are counted or only zeroth level parent records. The available options are:
: Includes all records in the count.Root
: Includes only zeroth level parent records. boolean
| []
Enables a DropDownList in the TreeGrid pager, allowing users to select the page size. Accepts either a boolean to toggle this feature or an array of page size options.
| Function
Provides a custom template for rendering pager elements in the TreeGrid, offering enhanced flexibility and control over the pager’s appearance and functionality. Accepts a template string or the ID of an HTML element.