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Effect API in JavaScript Tooltip API control

Animation effects that are applicable for Tooltip.

  • FadeIn - A fade-in animation effect where the tooltip gradually increases in opacity from 0 to full.
  • FadeOut - A fade-out animation effect where the tooltip gradually decreases in opacity from full to 0.
  • FadeZoomIn - A fade-in animation effect combined with a zoom-in effect.
  • FadeZoomOut - A fade-out animation effect combined with a zoom-out effect.
  • FlipXDownIn - A flip-down animation effect where the tooltip starts upside down and flips down to become fully visible.
  • FlipXDownOut - A flip-down animation effect where the tooltip starts fully visible and flips down to become invisible.
  • FlipXUpIn - A flip-up animation effect where the tooltip starts upside down and flips up to become fully visible.
  • FlipXUpOut - A flip-up animation effect where the tooltip starts fully visible and flips up to become invisible.
  • FlipYLeftIn - A flip-left animation effect where the tooltip starts from the right side and flips left to become fully visible.
  • FlipYLeftOut - A flip-left animation effect where the tooltip starts from the left side and flips left to become invisible.
  • FlipYRightIn - A flip-right animation effect where the tooltip starts from the left side and flips right to become fully visible.
  • FlipYRightOut - A flip-right animation effect where the tooltip starts from the right side and flips right to become invisible.
  • ZoomIn - zoom-in animation effect where the tooltip starts small and gradually grows in size to become fully visible.
  • ZoomOut - A zoom-out animation effect where the tooltip starts full size and gradually decreases in size to become invisible.
  • None - No animation effect, the tooltip simply appears or disappears without any animation.