Toast |
The Toast is a notification pop-up that showing on desired position which can provide an information to the user. |
ToastAnimationSettings |
An object that is used to configure the show/hide animation settings of Toast. |
ToastAnimations |
An object that is used to configure the animation object of Toast. |
ToastPosition |
An object that is used to configure the Toast X Y positions. |
BeforeSanitizeHtmlArgs |
Provides information about a BeforeSanitizeHtml event. |
SanitizeRemoveAttrs |
Provides information about a SanitizeRemoveAttributes. |
SanitizeSelectors |
Provides information about a SanitizeSelectors. |
ToastBeforeCloseArgs |
Specifies the event arguments of Toast before close. |
ToastBeforeOpenArgs |
Specifies the event arguments of Toast before open. |
ToastClickEventArgs |
Specifies the event arguments of Toast click. |
ToastCloseArgs |
Specifies the event arguments of Toast close. |
ToastOpenArgs |
Specifies the event arguments of Toast open. |
PositionX |
Specifies the options for positioning the Toast in X axis. |
PositionY |
Specifies the options for positioning the Toast in Y axis. |
ProgressDirectionType |
Specifies the direction for the Toast progressBar. |