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Overview API in JavaScript Toast API control

Name Description
Toast The Toast is a notification pop-up that showing on desired position which can provide an information to the user.
ToastAnimationSettings An object that is used to configure the show/hide animation settings of Toast.
ToastAnimations An object that is used to configure the animation object of Toast.
ToastPosition An object that is used to configure the Toast X Y positions.
BeforeSanitizeHtmlArgs Provides information about a BeforeSanitizeHtml event.
SanitizeRemoveAttrs Provides information about a SanitizeRemoveAttributes.
SanitizeSelectors Provides information about a SanitizeSelectors.
ToastBeforeCloseArgs Specifies the event arguments of Toast before close.
ToastBeforeOpenArgs Specifies the event arguments of Toast before open.
ToastClickEventArgs Specifies the event arguments of Toast click.
ToastCloseArgs Specifies the event arguments of Toast close.
ToastOpenArgs Specifies the event arguments of Toast open.
PositionX Specifies the options for positioning the Toast in X axis.
PositionY Specifies the options for positioning the Toast in Y axis.
ProgressDirectionType Specifies the direction for the Toast progressBar.