Arguments to create input element for input text boxes utility.These properties are optional.
E.g : Input.createInput({ element: element, customTag: 'ej2-custom-input' ,bindClearAction: false });
Specifies whether to bind the clear button action in input base or not.
E.g : Input.createInput({ element: element, buttons: ['e-icon-up', 'e-icon-down'] });
Specifies the icon classes for span element which will be append to the container.
E.g : Input.createInput({ element: element, customTag: 'ej2-custom-input' });
Specifies the custom tag which is acts as container to the input.
| HTMLTextAreaElement
Element which is needed to add to the container.
E.g : Input.createInput({ element: element });
| string
E.g : Input.createInput({ element: element, floatLabelType : "Always" });
Specifies how the floating label works. Possible values are:
E.g : Input.createInput({ element: element, properties: { readonly: true, placeholder: 'Search here' } });
To specifies the properties such as readonly,enable rtl,etc.