Name | Description |
Ribbon | Represents Ribbon component. |
RibbonHeader | Objects used for configuring the Ribbon tab header properties. |
RibbonItem | An array of object that is used to configure the Tab. |
AutoFill | AutoFill module allows to perform auto fill functionalities. |
CellFormat | CellFormat module allows to format the cell styles. |
Delete | The Delete module is used to delete cells, rows, columns and sheets from the spreadsheet. |
Insert | The Insert module is used to insert cells, rows, columns and sheets in to the spreadsheet. |
Merge | The Merge module is used to to merge the range of cells. |
Resize | The Resize module is used to handle the resizing functionalities in Spreadsheet. |
UndoRedo | UndoRedo module allows to perform undo redo functionalities. |
WrapText | Represents Wrap Text support for Spreadsheet. |
Spreadsheet | Represents the Spreadsheet component. |
ScrollSettings | Represents the scroll settings. |
SelectionSettings | Represents the selection settings. |
SpreadsheetChart | Represents Chart support for Spreadsheet. |
NumberFormat | Specifies number format. |
WorkbookAutoFill | WorkbookAutoFill module allows to perform auto fill functionalities. |
WorkbookCellFormat | Workbook Cell format. |
WorkbookDelete | The WorkbookDelete module is used to delete cells, rows, columns and sheets from workbook. |
WorkbookInsert | The WorkbookInsert module is used to insert cells, rows, columns and sheets in to workbook. |
WorkbookMerge | The WorkbookMerge module is used to merge the range of cells. |
Cell | Represents the cell. |
OpenSettings | Represents the configuration options for the Spreadsheet when opening a document. |
Column | Configures the Column behavior for the spreadsheet. |
Row | Configures the Row behavior for the spreadsheet. |
Range | Configures the range processing for the spreadsheet. |
Sheet | Configures the sheet behavior for the spreadsheet. |
UsedRange | Used range which contains end row index and end column index of the last used cell in sheet . |
Workbook | Represents the Workbook. |
AutoFillSettings | Represents the AutoFillSettings. |
Axis | Represents the axis. |
Border | Represents the Border. |
CellStyle | Represents the cell style. |
Chart | Represents the Chart. |
ConditionalFormat | Represents the Conditional Formatting. |
DataLabelSettings | Represents the DataLabelSettings. |
DefineName | Represents the DefineName. |
FilterCollection | Represents the Filter Collection. |
Format | Represents the Format. |
Hyperlink | Represents the Hyperlink. |
Image | Represents the Image. |
LegendSettings | Represents the Legend. |
MajorGridLines | Specifies the major grid lines in the axis . |
MarkerSettings | Represents the MarkerSettings. |
MinorGridLines | Specifies the minor grid lines in the axis . |
ProtectSettings | Configures the Protect behavior for the spreadsheet. |
SortCollection | Represents the sort Collection. |
Validation | Represents the DataValidation. |
WorkbookChart | The WorkbookChart module is used to handle chart action in Spreadsheet. |
DataBind | Data binding module |
WorkbookImage | Specifies image. |
WorkbookNumberFormat | Specifies number format. |
ExpandCollapseEventArgs | Interface for ribbon content expand/collapse event. |
AutoFillEventArgs | Interface for AutoFillEventArgs. |
BeforeOpenEventArgs | BeforeOpenEventArgs |
BeforeSelectEventArgs | BeforeSelectEventArgs |
CellEditEventArgs | CellEditEventArgs |
CellRenderEventArgs | CellRender EventArgs |
CellSaveEventArgs | CellSaveEventArgs |
ConditionalFormatEventArgs | CellSaveEventArgs |
MenuSelectEventArgs | MenuSelectEventArgs |
NoteSaveEventArgs | NoteSaveEventArgs |
OpenFailureArgs | OpenFailureArgs |
OpenOptions | OpenOptions |
SelectEventArgs | SelectEventArgs |
AfterHyperlinkArgs | Specifies arguments after a hyperlink is created or clicked. |
BeforeCellFormatArgs | Specifies the event arguments triggered before applying cell formatting in the spreadsheet. This allows users to customize the formatting behavior before it is applied to the selected cells. |
BeforeCellUpdateArgs | Specifies the event arguments for before cell update event. |
BeforeFilterEventArgs | Specifies the arguments before a filtering operation starts. |
BeforeHyperlinkArgs | Specifies arguments before a hyperlink is created or clicked. |
BeforeSaveEventArgs | Represents the event arguments triggered before the save action is performed. |
BeforeSortEventArgs | Specifies the event arguments before the sorting operation begins. |
BorderOptions | Specifies the options for applying borders to cells. |
CellInfoEventArgs | Specifies the arguments for querying cell information in the spreadsheet. |
ClearOptions | Specifies the options to clear contents, formats, and hyperlinks in the spreadsheet. |
DataSourceChangedEventArgs | Specifies event arguments when the datasource changes. |
FilterEventArgs | Specifies the arguments used for filtering operations. |
FilterOptions | Specifies the options available for filtering data. |
FindOptions | Specifies the options for performing a find and replace action in the spreadsheet. These options control how and where the search operation is executed, as well as how to replace values. |
PrintOptions | Represents the options available for printing functionality in the spreadsheet. These options allow you to customize the print settings, such as selecting specific sheets or including headers and gridlines. |
SaveCompleteEventArgs | Represents the event arguments triggered after the save action completes. |
SaveOptions | Represents the options used to save a document. These options include the file name, file type, and the URL for the save action. |
SerializationOptions | Defines options to exclude specific features from the JSON data during loading or saving. |
SortDescriptor | Specifies the criteria for sorting in a spreadsheet. |
SortEventArgs | Specifies the event arguments after sorting completes. |
SortOptions | Specifies the options for sorting in a spreadsheet. |
pdfLayoutSettings | Represents layout options for PDF export. These options allow you to customize how the content is arranged in the PDF. |
FormatOption | Specifies the number format ID and their number format code. |
Static Functions | Root static functions of Spreadsheet Component |
FindModeType | Defines find mode options. |
PasteSpecialType | Defines paste options. |
PrintType | Defines the print modes. |
SelectionMode | Defines modes of Selection. |
AutoFillDirection | Defines Auto fill direction options. |
AutoFillType | Defines fill type options. |
BorderType | Border type |
CalculationMode | Defines the calculation modes for spreadsheet formulas. |
ChartShape | Defines the shape of marker. They are * circle - Renders a circle. * rectangle - Renders a rectangle. * triangle - Renders a triangle. * diamond - Renders a diamond. * cross - Renders a cross. * horizontalLine - Renders a horizontalLine. * verticalLine - Renders a verticalLine. * pentagon- Renders a pentagon. * invertedTriangle - Renders a invertedTriangle. * image - Renders a image. |
ChartTheme | Chart theme |
ChartType | Chart type |
ClearType | Clear type |
FontFamily | Font family type |
FontStyle | Font style type |
FontWeight | Font weight type |
FormatType | Cell format type |
LabelPosition | Defines the LabelPosition, They are. * outer - Position the label outside the point. * top - Position the label on top of the point. * bottom - Position the label on bottom of the point. * middle - Position the label to middle of the point. * auto - Position the label based on series. |
LegendPosition | Defines the position of the legend. They are * auto - Places the legend based on area type. * top - Displays the legend on the top of chart. * left - Displays the legend on the left of chart. * bottom - Displays the legend on the bottom of chart. * right - Displays the legend on the right of chart. |
MergeType | Merge type |
NumberFormatType | Specifies the number format types in Spreadsheet. |
PdfPageOrientation | Defines the types of page orientation. |
SaveType | Specifies the option for save file type from Spreadsheet. By default, Excel save will be occur. |
SheetState | Sheet visibility state |
SortOrder | Defines the order of Sorting. They are * Ascending * Descending |
TextAlign | Horizontal alignment type |
ValidationOperator | validation operator |
ValidationType | validation type |
VerticalAlign | Vertical alignment type |