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Overview API in JavaScript Spreadsheet API control

Name Description
Ribbon Represents Ribbon component.
RibbonHeader Objects used for configuring the Ribbon tab header properties.
RibbonItem An array of object that is used to configure the Tab.
AutoFill AutoFill module allows to perform auto fill functionalities.
CellFormat CellFormat module allows to format the cell styles.
Delete The Delete module is used to delete cells, rows, columns and sheets from the spreadsheet.
Insert The Insert module is used to insert cells, rows, columns and sheets in to the spreadsheet.
Merge The Merge module is used to to merge the range of cells.
Resize The Resize module is used to handle the resizing functionalities in Spreadsheet.
UndoRedo UndoRedo module allows to perform undo redo functionalities.
WrapText Represents Wrap Text support for Spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet Represents the Spreadsheet component.
ScrollSettings Represents the scroll settings.
SelectionSettings Represents the selection settings.
SpreadsheetChart Represents Chart support for Spreadsheet.
NumberFormat Specifies number format.
WorkbookAutoFill WorkbookAutoFill module allows to perform auto fill functionalities.
WorkbookCellFormat Workbook Cell format.
WorkbookDelete The WorkbookDelete module is used to delete cells, rows, columns and sheets from workbook.
WorkbookInsert The WorkbookInsert module is used to insert cells, rows, columns and sheets in to workbook.
WorkbookMerge The WorkbookMerge module is used to merge the range of cells.
Cell Represents the cell.
OpenSettings Represents the configuration options for the Spreadsheet when opening a document.
Column Configures the Column behavior for the spreadsheet.
Row Configures the Row behavior for the spreadsheet.
Range Configures the range processing for the spreadsheet.
Sheet Configures the sheet behavior for the spreadsheet.
UsedRange Used range which contains end row index and end column index of the last used cell in sheet .
Workbook Represents the Workbook.
AutoFillSettings Represents the AutoFillSettings.
Axis Represents the axis.
Border Represents the Border.
CellStyle Represents the cell style.
Chart Represents the Chart.
ConditionalFormat Represents the Conditional Formatting.
DataLabelSettings Represents the DataLabelSettings.
DefineName Represents the DefineName.
FilterCollection Represents the Filter Collection.
Format Represents the Format.
Hyperlink Represents the Hyperlink.
Image Represents the Image.
LegendSettings Represents the Legend.
MajorGridLines Specifies the major grid lines in the axis.
MarkerSettings Represents the MarkerSettings.
MinorGridLines Specifies the minor grid lines in the axis.
ProtectSettings Configures the Protect behavior for the spreadsheet.
SortCollection Represents the sort Collection.
Validation Represents the DataValidation.
WorkbookChart The WorkbookChart module is used to handle chart action in Spreadsheet.
DataBind Data binding module
WorkbookImage Specifies image.
WorkbookNumberFormat Specifies number format.
ExpandCollapseEventArgs Interface for ribbon content expand/collapse event.
AutoFillEventArgs Interface for AutoFillEventArgs.
BeforeOpenEventArgs BeforeOpenEventArgs
BeforeSelectEventArgs BeforeSelectEventArgs
CellEditEventArgs CellEditEventArgs
CellRenderEventArgs CellRender EventArgs
CellSaveEventArgs CellSaveEventArgs
ConditionalFormatEventArgs CellSaveEventArgs
MenuSelectEventArgs MenuSelectEventArgs
NoteSaveEventArgs NoteSaveEventArgs
OpenFailureArgs OpenFailureArgs
OpenOptions OpenOptions
SelectEventArgs SelectEventArgs
AfterHyperlinkArgs Specifies arguments after a hyperlink is created or clicked.
BeforeCellFormatArgs Specifies the event arguments triggered before applying cell formatting in the spreadsheet.
This allows users to customize the formatting behavior before it is applied to the selected cells.
BeforeCellUpdateArgs Specifies the event arguments for before cell update event.
BeforeFilterEventArgs Specifies the arguments before a filtering operation starts.
BeforeHyperlinkArgs Specifies arguments before a hyperlink is created or clicked.
BeforeSaveEventArgs Represents the event arguments triggered before the save action is performed.
BeforeSortEventArgs Specifies the event arguments before the sorting operation begins.
BorderOptions Specifies the options for applying borders to cells.
CellInfoEventArgs Specifies the arguments for querying cell information in the spreadsheet.
ClearOptions Specifies the options to clear contents, formats, and hyperlinks in the spreadsheet.
DataSourceChangedEventArgs Specifies event arguments when the datasource changes.
FilterEventArgs Specifies the arguments used for filtering operations.
FilterOptions Specifies the options available for filtering data.
FindOptions Specifies the options for performing a find and replace action in the spreadsheet.
These options control how and where the search operation is executed, as well as how to replace values.
PrintOptions Represents the options available for printing functionality in the spreadsheet.
These options allow you to customize the print settings, such as selecting specific sheets
or including headers and gridlines.
SaveCompleteEventArgs Represents the event arguments triggered after the save action completes.
SaveOptions Represents the options used to save a document.
These options include the file name, file type, and the URL for the save action.
SerializationOptions Defines options to exclude specific features from the JSON data during loading or saving.
SortDescriptor Specifies the criteria for sorting in a spreadsheet.
SortEventArgs Specifies the event arguments after sorting completes.
SortOptions Specifies the options for sorting in a spreadsheet.
pdfLayoutSettings Represents layout options for PDF export.
These options allow you to customize how the content is arranged in the PDF.
FormatOption Specifies the number format ID and their number format code.
Static Functions Root static functions of Spreadsheet Component
FindModeType Defines find mode options.
PasteSpecialType Defines paste options.
PrintType Defines the print modes.
SelectionMode Defines modes of Selection.
AutoFillDirection Defines Auto fill direction options.
AutoFillType Defines fill type options.
BorderType Border type
CalculationMode Defines the calculation modes for spreadsheet formulas.
ChartShape Defines the shape of marker. They are
* circle - Renders a circle.
* rectangle - Renders a rectangle.
* triangle - Renders a triangle.
* diamond - Renders a diamond.
* cross - Renders a cross.
* horizontalLine - Renders a horizontalLine.
* verticalLine - Renders a verticalLine.
* pentagon- Renders a pentagon.
* invertedTriangle - Renders a invertedTriangle.
* image - Renders a image.
ChartTheme Chart theme
ChartType Chart type
ClearType Clear type
FontFamily Font family type
FontStyle Font style type
FontWeight Font weight type
FormatType Cell format type
LabelPosition Defines the LabelPosition, They are.
* outer - Position the label outside the point.
* top - Position the label on top of the point.
* bottom - Position the label on bottom of the point.
* middle - Position the label to middle of the point.
* auto - Position the label based on series.
LegendPosition Defines the position of the legend. They are
* auto - Places the legend based on area type.
* top - Displays the legend on the top of chart.
* left - Displays the legend on the left of chart.
* bottom - Displays the legend on the bottom of chart.
* right - Displays the legend on the right of chart.
MergeType Merge type
NumberFormatType Specifies the number format types in Spreadsheet.
PdfPageOrientation Defines the types of page orientation.
SaveType Specifies the option for save file type from Spreadsheet. By default, Excel save will be occur.
SheetState Sheet visibility state
SortOrder Defines the order of Sorting. They are
* Ascending
* Descending
TextAlign Horizontal alignment type
ValidationOperator validation operator
ValidationType validation type
VerticalAlign Vertical alignment type