/ Speed Dial / RadialSettings
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RadialSettings API in JavaScript Speed Dial API control

Provides the options to customize the speed dial action buttons when mode of SpeedDial is Radial.



string | RadialDirection

Defines speed dial action items placement order. The possible values are

  • Clockwise
  • AntiClockwise
  • Auto

Defaults to RadialDirection.Auto



Defines end angle of speed dial items placement. The accepted value range is 0 to 360. When a value is outside the accepted value range, then the provided value is ignored, and the angle is calculated based on the position.

Defaults to -1


string | number

Defines distance of speed dial items placement from the button of Speed Dial.

Defaults to ‘100px’



Defines start angle of speed dial items placement. The accepted value range is 0 to 360. When a value is outside the accepted value range, then the provided value is ignored, and the angle is calculated based on the position.

Defaults to -1