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Overview API in JavaScript Smith Chart API control

Name Description
SmithchartAxisLine Configures the axis lines in the axis.
SmithchartMajorGridLines Configures the major Grid lines in the axis.
SmithchartMinorGridLines Configures the major grid lines in the axis.
TooltipRender To render tooltip
Smithchart Represents the Smithchart control.
ExportUtils Annotation Module handles the Annotation for Maps.
SmithchartRect Internal use of type rect
ISmithchartAxisLabelRenderEventArgs Specifies the Axis Label Render Event arguments.
ISmithchartLegendRenderEventArgs Specifies the Legend Render Event arguments.
ISmithchartLoadEventArgs Specifies the Load Event arguments.
ISmithchartLoadedEventArgs Specifies the Loaded Event arguments.
ISmithchartSeriesRenderEventArgs Specifies the Series Render Event arguments.
ISmithchartTextRenderEventArgs Specifies the Text Render Event arguments.
ISubTitleRenderEventArgs Specifies the SubTitle Render Event arguments.
ITitleRenderEventArgs Specifies the Title Render Event arguments.
Static Functions Root static functions of Smithchart Component
AxisLabelPosition Defines the position of axis labels. They are:
* Outside - Render the axis label with position outside the axis.
* Inside - Render the axis label with position inside the axis.
RenderType Defines render type of smithchart. They are
* Impedance - Render a smithchart with Impedance type.
* Admittance - Render a smithchart with Admittance type.
SmithchartAlignment Defines the Alignment. They are
* near - Align the element to the left.
* center - Align the element to the center.
* far - Align the element to the right.
SmithchartExportType Defines the export types supported by smith chart. Ther are
* PNG - Export as PNG format.
* JPEG - Export as JPEG format.
* SVG - Export as SVG format.
* PDF - Export as PDF format.
SmithchartLabelIntersectAction Defines actions for handling overlapping labels in a smith chart. They are:
* Hide - Hide the overlapped axis label.
* None - Render all axis labels, even if they overlap.
SmithchartTheme Defines Theme of the smithchart. They are
* Material - Render a smithchart with Material theme.
* Fabric - Render a smithchart with Fabric theme.